Rare promos and where they've ended up?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DubChef, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. you should 80k gear since we know of almost all of its location
    Kytula likes this.
  2. Is there anything on the wiki about the limited number? I checked earlier and couldnt see anything? :)
    kaptrix likes this.
  3. The other piece of a pyramid is longer existent as I had gone derelict with it
    DubChef likes this.
  4. Genious thread, I'll read everything That Will be comeing :D

    Oh, WOW, I ditn't know That...
    DubChef likes this.
  5. Was that yours? and what else did you lose?
    DubChef and Kytula like this.
  6. DubChef likes this.
  7. Maybe you should put a tag next to the user's name if they are willing to sell it?
  8. Perhaps the Empire Games medals as well? three for each event
    For instance, mine is at my 1st res, 16094
    jacob5089 and DubChef like this.
  9. Do voter's blocks not count as rare promos anymore? :\
    Edit: never mind, I get it. I didn't consider them still being given out.
  10. I own a Tales of Eternia book :)

    EDIT: May I suggest adding Purple Aikar Head and Purple Krysyy Head?
  11. Whilst i understand it would be helpful. The point of the thread is to determine where they are located and if so how many of each items there are, not who is selling them. As mentioned if someone's looking to sell the items, I'm sure they will create a thread saying they are :)
    607, kaptrix and FDNY21 like this.
  12. need to add your stuff death :)
    kaptrix likes this.
  13. I bought the arena longbow from Bemvino then sold it to Krysyy. I own an ICC Eggnog.
    DubChef likes this.
  14. Oh yeah I also had an Arena Blade at some point, I don't remember which number it was. I sold it to krysyy as well. Not sure if she still has it.
    DubChef likes this.
  15. Going to see how long it takes you to find your mistake.

    kaptrix likes this.
  16. If i dont know about it now and it doesnt bother me, probably a long long time ;)
    Gawadrolt and kaptrix like this.
  17. Is that mistake categorizing everything as promos? :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. I can change it to "items" if the grammar nazi in you is screaming out about it penguin? hehe
    Gawadrolt and kaptrix like this.
  19. Okay, make that two mistakes he hasn't noticed :p
    607 likes this.
  20. It doesn't bug me, haha. I'm just thinking, that may have been what Defne was thinking of. :p
    607 and DubChef like this.