Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. :p
    Skelemas2k16 likes this.
  2. I guess he must have given someone a cold shoulder.
    Skelemas2k16 likes this.
  3. Make Marlix shoot at you and stand inside momo so they fight each other.
    Skelemas2k16 and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  4. I don't know if that will happen to be honest :p
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  5. Your world has been turned... upside down.

  6. someone did that on another server once and his head was literally upside down

    Edit: ill get a screenshot if I can get him to do it again.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.

  7. I came up with a new use for these signs.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  8. Today in Mobarena I learned the hard way that these chickens are indeed a distraction. They lived up to their name after I was distracted by their cuteness I was blown up by tnt D;

    SkeleTin007, 607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  9. This world's fate is in my hands...

    (Contains North America, Upper South America, West Europe and the Arctic)
  10. You spared asia? How nice of you :D
    SkeleTin007 and Shadow_Dcord like this.

  11. I know this picture isn't something super special or very exciting, but it is the kind of landscape which I really find inviting for exploration. It has wood, it has grass (to get seeds) and also water. What's there not to like? ;)

    But ok, you obviously want something more exciting :D

    Are you enjoying the Llama's? We are!

    Now, you can also do this using a donkey or horse, sure, but llama's seem to react a lot better to leads than other animals. So far we even managed to outrun an enraged skellie (sort off) without losing each other (that only happened when Aya decided to take a whack at the skeleton :D)

    In case you're interested: SMP2, /waste e, go east. Can't miss it, we dug out a nice path to an extreme hills biome and... llama friendly! :)
    607, jossytheninja and SkeleTin007 like this.
  12. I got a polar bear from LordessSpartan_ after I asked for one. You know Polar Bears make for great pets, they're just so cute and dangerous!

    I've been posting here a lot lately haven't I?
  13. Aya and me have discovered something special, you won't find this very often. A desert well:

    607, NuclearBobomb and MajorHaze like this.
  14. I find them all the time.........Means there is a temple near by. :cool:
    607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  15. We might be talking about different structures here, because according to the MC wiki this thing has a 1/1000 chance to spawn :p It's not the same well which you see around villages.
    607 likes this.
  16. If the one you found is more than 1 block of water deep I'll agree with you. If it's not more than 1 block deep, it's because there is a temple near by.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  17. Teaser post:

    If it had been Saturday evening I'd probably have played through most of the night, but I'd better not right now :) In case you're wondering: during a mining expedition (what else) we stumbled upon this scenery (we removed several walls already) and instead of destroying the spawners Aya & me decided to lock them.

    We're planning on building a public mob grinder here. Right next to the waste outpost, so it should even be safe enough for newer or less experienced players (that's the goal anyway).

    Skeleton spawner in front, zombie spawner in the background. This is going to be a very interesting project :cool:

    I'll share more later this weekend.
  18. That shield is amazing.
    607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  19. Day and night at The Grand Line outpost.

    Roslyn, _Devil__, ShelLuser and 5 others like this.
  20. Artofhart (my fiance) rarely plays on EMC but after I got him a Diamond Voucher for Christmas he came on to claim his 4 res' and continue building on his first res. Last night he took this really cool screenshot of his res and I thought I'd share it on here :p