Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Likely the something moves from the shadows...

    I believe a few senior staff do that when they're vanished. I know Simon does it for sure.
  2. I believe messages such as those also appear when wearing the Headless Horseman Mask. :)
    607, FDNY21 and PenguinDJ2 like this.
  3. Never mind then. :P
  4. Was wearing a horseman mask :)
    EDIT: Post 2112 on this thread, a nice number :p
    ItsMeChespin, BlinkyBinky and Kytula like this.
  5. Is there a hidden message here or are you just posting to say you've got a certain post number...? :confused:
    PenguinDJ2 and 607 like this.
  6. At least include a screenshot :p Now I have to don't I...
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  7. It probably was the mask, but let's not rush to any conclusions nonetheless. ;)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  8. Yay, finally a screenshot that I recognise :p That was a good late afternoon for me!
    LuckyPat likes this.

  9. As I sink into the depths of the lava, certain that it was my time to die, a red spirit rises from the mists... Would he escort me to the land beyond? I squint at his face, but cannot make anything out under his helmet. But then I have this feeling, this certainty of his identity...


    The figure nods slowly, solemnly. "Come, my son," he says in a resounding, comforting voice. "It is not your time yet." He begins to move back into the ocean of fire and, panicking, I follow him. I cannot lose him again. Slowly we work our way to the surface, and at last my head breaks through to the acrid air atmosphere of the Nether. I suck it in gleefully, suddenly realizing how much I enjoyed life. I turn to my spirit guide, my father, and see him a few blocks away, bobbing with his back to me.

    "Thank you, father," I say.

    He turns, moving his face around so that I may see it, and replies...


    It's Uber_Corq.
  10. xD brilliant! Also great story to follow with the screeny!
  11. Did you die at the farm again... >_>
  12. Ok aikar, I think it is time to stop adding new flags... I know is fun but really?
    Gawadroit, KJCHAV and ShelLuser like this.
  13. Friday Night Mining, and I didn't end up dying... have you been secretly letting Uber_Corq use the TTMOF farms? :p
  14. I think he tp'd to one to give me a birthday gift back in April while I was barring, fell off, and died. :p
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  15. He was just too happy for the new 100k promo's......

    Gawadroit, ShrinkingMatt, 607 and 6 others like this.
  16. Me go a bit over kill on 100K promos never

    607, KJCHAV and fBuilderS like this.
  17. I hope they dont form a union and start striking!

    607, B4DMAN5IMON and ChickenDice like this.
  18. OMG. You over done that completely! :eek:
    fBuilderS likes this.