Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. It's amazing that someone can have the audacity to steal something directly in front of a mod.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. Which does raise the question if he actually got caught? ;)
    Gawadroit likes this.
  3. Hahaha, that's amazing. :p
    I'd have loved to witness that moment... how did LuckyGreenBird react?
  4. Chat logs are so incredibly hard to navigate. However, here are some of my PMs to/from Lucky that day. I think he was AFK because he didn't really react when it happened. I had to PM him first. :p
    To ? Luckygreenbird: [griefer] just stole all 4 beacvons
    From ? Luckygreenbird: gonna go find [nickname of griefer] then
    L ? Luckygreenbird: well shoot... someone stole the beacons and died with them
    L ? Luckygreenbird: h-what a jerk move of them
    607 and CadenMann like this.
  5. DrMadFate and I creeping.

    Hide yourself Uber_Corq :p
    SkeleTin007 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. A couple of SMP2 friends and myself went out to slay a Momentus. And well, if you're Momentus hunting with Dajakoe then prepare for a blast :D

    "Hey Momentus, got a present for ya!"

    Yeah, he got a real blast out of this one:

    And this ladies and gentlemen is how you persuade Momentus to give up his toothpick :p
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. I went though my screenshot folder and picked out some old ones I thought where pretty interesting. Out of hundreds, maybe thousands, I found twenty-three nineteen I really liked.

    Yes, these are real admin heads I dug up on a res... literally. I was digging and out popped the heads of ICC, Justin, Aikar, and Max. I didn't have those for long. ;)

    Highlancer is a super ninja. And thunder thief. "Highlancer54 - Super-Thunder-Ninja-Thief"

    December 2014, when there was a revolution to ban fishing in PvP. This was Aikar's 'solution' :p

    This guy. I think he was serious, too.

    He knew I was a nub long before I did. <3


    The name speaks for itself. Also, Caden, how does armor taste?

    Old MA

    Old red arena. RIP <3

    I had an 'item war' with Portal in PvP a while back. :P


    Death event at spawn_maze. And a kill combo.



    This is the Zombie Maze. Three screenshots: beginning, middle, and end

    LuckyPat, FDNY21, 607 and 2 others like this.
  8. Ah, the old Mob Arena. That brings back some memories. :) Those old PVP Arenas, too... Of all the PVP Arenas, the original green remains my favorite, with the original red as a close second.
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  9. I feel like this screenshot is very important and therefore I shall share it with you :rolleyes:
    607, AnonReturns, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  10. 2 minibosses spawned 10 minutes apart from each other - and the marlix spawned at least 50 enraged guardians :p RIP my armor and a god apple
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  11. Greetings from the Nether!

  12. Rainbow and I twinning, Which is awkward because I actually have a twin.
    ShelLuser and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  13. Let's just focus on the 73 exp levels.
    Dufne likes this.

  14. Is it a bat, is it a dragon? No, it's RainbowChin! :D
  15. xD that's holarious! Do you know who did that?
  16. Yes, I wonder
    Gawadroit, whatkom, ShelLuser and 5 others like this.
  17. When you realize you have a problem.
    Left to right: Regular Aikar Head, PVP Aikar Head, PVP Super Aikar Head, 2013 DP Head, 2015 DP Head, Purple Aikar head
    Gawadroit, whatkom, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  18. Not very specific, what are you looking for clues on? :p