Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. This happens to my alts all of the time... Oopsie :rolleyes:
    Hashhog and 607 like this.
  2. You have alts?! I knew it! :)
  3. Well, they're no secret :p Apart from one of them, but shh... :rolleyes:
    Hashhog, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. Not to worry, only Hashhog and you will know :p
    Gawadroit and Hashhog like this.
  5. You've talked to Hash about it before? :p
    Hashhog and ShelLuser like this.

  6. Everyone is an alt of Hashhog, remember? ;)
    FDNY21, Hashhog and ShelLuser like this.
  7. I need to know, HOW
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  8. Shaunwhite1982 is a retired Senior Staff member. All Senior Staff can summon their Steeds, superpowered Zombie Horses with green names. Admins typically choose to ride skeletal steeds. :p
    Kytula, 607, RainbowChin and 2 others like this.
  9. Ok, this happened a few weeks ago. I was breeding horses over on utopia, then out of nowhere a wild Krysyy appeared! Me and a friend were talking about what Christmas horse was gonna come out this year, and since Krysyy was online I had the bright idea to ask her. This was her response:

    Krysyy followed the statement up with she thinks what she just said was an unintentional pun. After that, me and like everyone on utopia started laughing. Quote Of The Year guys!
  10. I should have really remembered that >_> My bad ;)
    607 and Hashhog like this.
  11. *note to self* become a retired Sr. staff
  12. You know 'retired' means he's no longer in the job, right? If you got the staff position and you retire before summoning your horse, then you don't get one.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. note taken, guess I need to con a staff
  14. I'm actually a little shocked by this one:
    607 and tuqueque like this.
  15. It's SMP8, you shouldn't be shocked by this sort of thing anymore! ;)
    LtCaptainMe and 607 like this.
  16. Okay, having one boss is fine. Having 9 bosses?

  17. LOL! I remember this xD
    Hm, but where is the REAL Krysyy xD
  18. While I was wondering around utopia, on route to a plains I stumbled upon a rare sight:

    A real Marlix in the Utopia's wastelands xD
    I killed it for good measures
  19. :( poor guy!
    607 likes this.