Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. I'm still undecided what's worse: EMC's chat filter or [that other PB/SW/Other server]'s. Both have given me quite a few headaches.
    ShelLuser and DH32 like this.
  2. today i went deep sea diving 2 get a monument myself. but i goofed, lol, and had 2 call for help :oops:

    but i wanted to share some tips with u, maybe it helps...

    use doors! lock the entrance so no pesky fish get in anymore, it helps if u want 2 mine the monument. also: don't mine the walls!! if u keep the walls then no fish can come in (some do come in) and u can mine easily without laser beams. u may also need 2 put some dirt on top of the doors.

    if u fight the elder guards then u need to kill 3 of them. try to keep pillars between the fish so it cant shoot beams at u. and use good sword!!

    u can use doors 2 have air underwater. i used 4 doors so it also protected me from laserbeams.

    i was stupid: didnt bring my pickaxe, then i got lost and also run out of potions, lol ^.^ so i had to call 4 help.

    if u use wooden stairs u can make it so that u have air underwater. and if use dirt or cobblestone u can make a staircase so u can go down using the roof and no fish can come in!

    u can get a LOT of stuff from mining. We got 1 dc of prismarine bricks, 1 sc of prismarine, 1 and half stacks of sea lanterns (use silk touch pick!), 8 stacks of dark prismarine, 8 gold blocks and 2 stacks of sponges.

    so u should use an empty enderchest for extra storage or even better: ask ur friends 2 help u!

    Gawadrolt, 607 and jossytheninja like this.
  3. Erm... I don't know what happened on smp5 tonight. We have scared many visitors, though.

  4. I gotta breed my unicorns though!
    607, DH32, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  5. 7 more posts guys! Then we are at 2k posts.
  6. OK I was going on old threads and saw this on an old staff aplication LOL!

  7. I definitely remember that. Some of those scenarios are actually pretty brutal.
    607, FDNY21 and Penguinub like this.
  8. I know I read the entire thing and I was just astounded by some of the questions.
  9. A certain one who's name nearly rhymes with Pl0x definitely has by far the worst.

    Also, I can now run shaders. :D

    607 and Penguinub like this.
  10. LOL? The grandmother died...
    607 likes this.
  11. I'm glad they recently improved it... I've had 5 blocked messages in a row before, and at that point I just gave up typing. Also, that is an amazing chicken.
  12. The question is an exaggeration from IcecreamCow, meaning it did not happen.
  13. Hey, it's not funny*; my grandmother died**...

    She died, in the year... 2000!!!***

    ***because it's the 2000th post****
    *note: I lied; it actually is funny
    **note: my grandmother didn't actually die
    ****crap, it's no longer the 2000th post
    Codygraw likes this.
  14. I was looking forward to getting the 2000th post until Penguin stole it from me.
    Penguinub and Uber_Corq like this.

  15. Now that Minecraft is owned by Microsoft you'd better be careful, because 2048 posts should be enough for everyone :p
    Palmsugar likes this.
  16. If I recall correctly, at the beginning of the app it said something like "these are all real scenarios that mods have had to face. Show how you would handle them." >_>
    607, Penguinub and ShelLuser like this.
  17. I really think this thread is very funny I wish I could have met IceCreamCow or Justinguy one day.
    LuckyPat likes this.