Questions for Aikar

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mman, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. sorry didnt mean to put the . there, yes 28 mil. corrected

    Well then your friend is likely said person, and they've spent 2 million :p
    ShelLuser, 607, ThaKloned and 2 others like this.
  2. Would make sense. That player that had spent a lot of their money on 100k stuff so 28mil makes sense.
    607 likes this.
  3. Phew. I remember the one time Fendy paid me 8 mil. :rolleyes:
    607, ThaKloned and FDNY21 like this.
  4. Oh wow, that makes much more sense... Why didn't I think of that?
  5. How about most texp earned in 1 month?
    Black13 likes this.
  6. i have 128 vaults with plans to add a further 150 vaults

    EDIT: you can see me go up to 128 Vaults in this video
    Deadmaster98, cadgamer101 and MmarkM like this.
  7. Thanks for the responses guys, cool to see that this one event has drained about 10% of all active rupees
  8. highest rupee amounth is 28mill... but.. but..
    # Legit

    A month or two ago I helped FDNY reach 10Mill, As thank you I got to take a photo with his rupéz, but its on a different computer so I cant find it now :p
    Patr1cV, 607, whatkom and 2 others like this.
  9. Just a note: I did get the rupees back ;)

    These are some interesting facts that I just read... Cheers for the replies!
    607 and CadenMann like this.
  10. Just means your connection had a lag spike.
  11. We should have something like this
    Rhythmically and Sky_v15 like this.
  12. Aside from richest player part, that would be neat.
    It would fill that up too much, why not rename "Forum Statistics" into just "Statistics"
    With that, add the Empire Activity into the Statistics so it's:

    Empire Activity
    Member Count
    Active Last Month
    Players Online Now
    Total Rupees
    Total Tokens

    Forum Activity
    Latest Member
    607 and nltimv like this.
  13. What a brilliant way to keep you busy.. Lol
    Don't believe we have met before, I'm Hannah! :D
    UltiPig likes this.
  14. Thank you Aikar, I have a scent that I know who has those 28 Million.

    *Sniff "Finch"
  15. I doubt Finch has 28 million in rupees :p Maybe in items, but not rupees... I know who it actually is but I believe that the player would rather not be named
    607, ThaKloned and Tahitan like this.
  16. So I'm not far off then. Just a few millions to go.. or closer to 7% there.
  17. Finch definitely does not have more rupees then moemaczap
  18. If we add the richest player thing, this would surely happen:
    "Richest player: Rhythmically [92838237492387492r]
    n00bman991 joined, last seen 32 minutes ago
    From n00bman991: hey ik ur rich kan i hav sum monies plz i no u got tuns
    607, Rhyblet, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  19. I agree, that'd be very annoying for that player. But the other two would be nice