[Question] The Ban Hammer has Spoken!

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Brisingr34, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. In some servers you can create factions where you can invite people in and fight against other factions(the fighting is not needed for factions, though).
    Only people of the same faction can build on the land claimed

    When I get banned of empire minecraft, I go to a server that one of my friends made, OR I will just go playing single player, as I did for years
  2. Same here.
  3. I see what your talking about. I would probably attempt the same, as my friend plays on there.
  4. That plan of yours seemed to fail.
  5. If I ever got banned, I'd run away with The One Who Shall Not Be Named, Roblikescake, PThagaard, and their herds of sheep to their private island, where they play on The One's server which still hasn't been upgraded from 1.2 yet.
  6. Most likely full time TF2 and some SP.
  7. I would hop around on a few pvp servers I play on.
  8. Must . . . not . . get . . banned!

    Oh wait. I have no desire to steal. Or break any of the rules.

    Guess that will work out then.
  9. I'd go back to playing Single Player and L4D2...and watch Youtube...just like the good old days before I found EMC.
  10. Id go on my friends server me Eclipsys brennian set up xD and if that didn't exist well other games because most servers are stupid with 12 year old admins.
  11. I'd go and draw these things called 'CIRCLES' while banging my head against a wall
    penfoldex, 607 and catwarrior7 like this.
  12. Next time use
    Equinox_Boss and Twitch1 like this.
  13. No place like it.
  14. EMC I assume?
  15. No, is a loopback address, commonly known as "localhost."
    Equinox_Boss, jkjkjk182 and Twitch1 like this.
  16. I personally enjoy economy servers and town servers. And I also hate PvP.
  17. I know of a few good PvP servers, some EMCers play on it also
    P R O _ _ _ _ - A R _ _

    Hint -
    O c . _ _
  18. You know what? I'd probably just go insane.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  19. You're already insane...
  20. And what makes you say that?