Grumpy Cat Pumpkin is finished! 80+ night vision potions 34 ender pearls 2 efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 diamond shovels I quite enjoyed the challenge of completing this contest. Definitely one that needs planning.
Deadline extended due to my irl flooding that has prevented me from setting some residences up promptly. New deadline: Nov 4th @ midnight
I has one question... Do we have to advise when the pumpkin is ready? Or Do all judges juts go to everyone's pumpkin and make a judgement? Do we have to be online at that time? (Time restrains mean I won't be online) Edit: more than 1
At the end of the new deadline the destroy perms will be taken away You do not have to be online for judging
Finished! So glad for my voter's shovel, or that could have been quite expensive. Right next to 4830 on smp2. Looks best at sunset from a res and a half away. That was fun, but now it's done 😊
Do you have to hollow out the pumpkin? And is it true that all pumpkins will end up facing South? I made mine facing a random direction... >.<
It is advised to hollow out the pumpkin or your details may not show through. You can carve on whichever side you prefer. It's just easier if you aim west or east because of lack of other pumpkins in the way for pics.
Will the judging be done all during the day? I feel like there could be unfair lighting advantages if not.