Pretty Scary Contest

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by chickeneer, Oct 13, 2012.

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  1. 62 Votes so Far :D plenty. I haven't counted them up at all, so your guess is as good as mine Who is leading at this point
  2. haha yep but did make it remember ;)
  3. I know. ;) Just saying, you did build it awhile back. :rolleyes:
  4. Haha yep I think I made it back in may if I'm right. Owell still creepy there when it storms :)
    penfoldex likes this.
  5. Well, I feel like I should do an update on the Voting so Far :)

    As of this Post 74 people have voted - There are no clear favorites at this point - so be sure to encourage your friends to vote. It is very close. Literally anyone could win still
    penfoldex likes this.
  6. Well can we have more exact voting tally? Like how many votes for each creation?
  7. no - it would influence the votes. I want people to vote on what they think is the best. I will just say that after 119 people Voting - So far there are a few creations that are shining out as favorites - but they could be easily be kicked out of the lead. It is still very close.
  8. Well its just that it seems my creation will get the lowest votes.
  9. ... Sooo- What difference is whether the results are posted or not? If people vote for it, or not. So be it. I don't plan on ever releasing the exact number of Votes. Just the Results, To avoid stepping on peoples toes
    codygraw101 likes this.
  10. i wonder how my decidedly not scary creation is going :p
  11. I would lol if someone entered christmas themed res
  12. Ok, I keep on getting pestered to give them a more specific update about who is winning/ how many points they have/ etc. I am not going to tell you. Even the Staff doesn't know right now.

    All I can say is that 133 people have voted so far which is a total of 266 Votes. And the person with the most votes has 42 votes for their creation.
    shaunwhite1982 likes this.
  13. Well, I bet it's not me because I haven't influenced any votes.
  14. That's right because people have done it for you, so now you're doing it yourself :)
  15. Lol, I never said you can't encourage people to vote for you. Voting as other people is a big no-no.
  16. I don't understand what you mean by that.
  17. Lostreamer I voted for you...
  18. Woo! Thanks matjam! :p
  19. My name is Iostreamer btw.
  20. voting bump :D

    if you havent already, fill out the form in the OP!
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