Presidential Election - Why?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wonderwoman_16, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Give it 100 years and they'll be smart enough to look at us and think we were poisoning ourselves with chemo to get rid of cancer. I think they'll know how badly this election got messed up - Hell, I think we already do.

  2. Those ads are selected for you based on tracking data acquired by the advertising companies.
    607, UltiPig, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  3. If I was American, I'd vote for Hillary based on the fact that she doesn't see GMO's as harmful (which btw, they're not).
    mba2012 and tuqueque like this.
  4. There were Hillary ones too. Just know that one stuck out like a sore thumb.
  5. Heh, I'm not saying it's Trump-vs-Hillary. (But that's a good idea.)

    To give you a wider perspective, I see zero internet political ads. I see ads for tech products soap. Advertising is becoming more and more personalized. Like when you're watching TV and your cable company plays a car commercial for you but an xbox game commercial for your neighbor (on the same channel at the same time).

    (sorry for derail)
    -- I side with the candidate the seems the least dishonest and is most likely to support the things I support. My expectations are usually pretty low and I just hope we can avoid disaster.
    607 likes this.
  6. I've... never seen one of those actually...
  7. Why is this a thread? This could've just been asked in the other one.
  8. Go Bernie! Ok. Fine, Hillary.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. I am gonna say this now lol.

    This skeleton would be better than Hillary or Trump anyday :p

    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. But I would lean more on Trump
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  11. Wow I never knew these sound the same XD
  12. Why ruin EMC with the real world?

    I mean, why!!
    ShelLuser and kawaiipusheen123 like this.
  13. To sum up America currently according to Canadians.

    BenMA likes this.
  14. This election will go down in history and I'm almost done caring about it. I just want my constitutional(American) rights to be well-preserved.
  15. I respect your political opinion, but I'm just saying you should really care about much more than your basic constitutional rights. There are so many things that a bad president could let through that would make your life much worse/better far beyond the constitutional rights that you're guaranteed through the Constitution. While things like taxes, college fees, foreign policy, etc. have nothing to do with your constitutional rights, they will affect you either now or in the future in a big way.
  16. Yes, but the other thread is very long and only has a handful of people still following it.
  17. That's not a legitimate reason, lol. So what if it's long.


  18. I think it is. If HKRo would have asked her question there there would've been a very slim chance of as many people responding as did here. I could explain if you'd want but I think you might be able to think of reasons yourself, and I'm not really feeling like wasting my energy.

    What's your "Also:" about, and to what or whom is it directed?
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  19. No. Her question is literally the same as the OP of the other thread.

    HKRO: "They don't explain enough about why they want who they chose. "
    Erektus: "What do you think each candidate can bring to the country?

    What do you like/dislike most about Donald Trump?

    What do you like/dislike most about Hillary Clinton?

    Have you been keeping up with Political news?

    What would you like to see happen to improve the United States?"
    Almost the same exact question. It simply doesn't work like that. For example, the show yourself thread, it's a long thread. But I posted a picture and I wanted more people to see it, I wouldn't be allowed to create a new thread for it. It would be locked and maybe a minor scold from staff.
    The point of those screenshots is to show how to watch a thread. If few people followed the original, it's obviously because people didn't care. What makes you think they would like to see another one?
  20. Never mind.
    I was trying to explain but I should really head to bed instead.
    I might explain later, but you probably won't get it anyway.
    Farewell and stuff.
    JesusPower2 likes this.