Post an Obnoxious Lie about the Player Above.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. he
  2. EH, actually hates Canada and more importantly detests Hockey...
  3. True I do detest hockey but GASP. Major haze is not actually a major in the army!
    MajorHaze likes this.
  4. Woah, that's cool, I did not know that was possible! :eek:
  5. 607 is not the member of the month
  6. You wish! ;)

    EDIT: whoops, wrong thread, thought this was the misquoting one... :p but my statement still sort of works... :p
    607 and The_Mancub like this.
  7. Code:
    [spoiler=Text before opening, text after opening]spoiler text (as usual)[/spoiler]
    spoiler text (as usual)
    Bechstein_ likes this.
  8. CinemaSins totally doesn't abuse the spoiler tag.
  9. Bechstein_ crashes everytime he flies with an elytra.
    Bechstein hunts ducks in his spare time.
    Bechstein eats ducks in his spare time.
    Bechstein bullies ducks in his spare time.

    Oh I've waited for this moment >:) <3 <3
  10. Um...



    Never mind. xD
  11. 607 is named 607 because he has 607 rubber duckies :p

    Unless that's true, in which case I won't judge.. rubber duckies are awesome
    607 likes this.
  12. Harp4Christ does not like to play the harp and instead prefers to play the trombone.
    Harp4Christ likes this.
    CarFryer uses his car to cook eggs in the summer!
    CarFryer likes this.
  14. her*

    Harp4Christ doesn't like 70s music.
    CarFryer and Harp4Christ like this.
  15. Well that one's true......
    CinemaSins doesn't like Apple ;)
  16. You actually do not have a harp. It isn't even baptised of you do have a harp.
  17. :O

    Shy loves to be @'ed on Twitter ;)
    Harp4Christ likes this.
  18. CinemaSins doesn't really care about staff heads. He just wanted a thread he can post on all the time.
    607 and CinemaSins like this.
  19. The M in MajorHaze is silent :eek:
    607 and FadedMartian like this.
  20. Smooshed_Potato is really just a slice of melon.
    FadedMartian and Smooshed_Potato like this.