[POLL] What upcoming feature do you desire more?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Oct 7, 2015.


Which Feature Priority should we go with?

Poll closed Oct 26, 2015.
Dragon Tombs [3], Empires, Land Claiming 194 vote(s) 33.2%
Empires, Dragon Tombs [3], Land Claiming 41 vote(s) 7.0%
Empires, Land Claiming, Dragon Tombs [3] 350 vote(s) 59.8%
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  1. Curious how block protecting handles tree's and tree farms. especially replanted tyree's
  2. A tree would fall under a natural block classification.
  3. I think what would fix this would be a rupee drain.
  4. Also there seems to be one thing that no on has really talked about but it's the thing that I'm personally looking forward to the most. (Also staff if this is off topic go ahead and move this post to where it belongs) I'm looking forward to the token shop. I would hope that this would be a chest gui that would allow us to purchase dragon eggs (for land claiming) escape ropes, skele and zombie horses, old promos, Dirt destroying tick tocks, and hopefully a voucher that lets you change the biome of your res.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  5. Markethan13 and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. i can tell you what won't be on the list, however it's implemented:
    -Old promos (would interrupt market)
    -Dirt destroying ticking tocks (60k rupees through SS)
    -Voucher for biome change (not making this a sellable voucher item for people to get around the no trading tokens thing. If you want a biome change, earn the tokens yourself)
    AyanamiKun and cadgamer101 like this.
  7. Oh ok, I though in one of the first posts about DT from Aikar he said that you would be able to get more promos but it makes sense that that would have changed. I can also see how the DDTT Isn't on there and the Voucher too.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  8. How long would each feature take to implement anyway? I guess it would vary per update (and the bug fixing), but.... timeline anyone?
  9. This would all depend; it mostly depends on how critical the coding process is and if they run into problems with the feature. It usually takes a few weeks to months or longer. It involves a lot of work, on top of that you have testing which takes a extra few weeks to cover all the processes and steps. If you watched Aikar's Coding Stream, it took him a few hours to accomplish one thing, imagine how long it would take to put multiple things together, especially this severe of a change. I'm going stop there, but it could vary between multiple times. :)
  10. Dragon tombs part 3 is just part of dragon tombs and not the final piece though. From myassumption it wouldn't take too long to get that part but then there us dt4 and so on, however many "beta" releases or updates its going to take. Meanwhile smp7 has had 4 griefings that I'm even aware of in less than two weeks. That's 8-9 a month and nine smps neglecting utopia around 75 griefings a month give or take a dozen. That's a conservative guess I would think.

    While I just finished fixing my own latest griefing. Thank you alexchance for dealing with it swiftly
    lauwenmark likes this.
  11. The large reduction of griefings with land claiming is the reason it won the vote, the worst thing in the frontier is the girefings and it seems more people will always come to go and screw something up. With land claiming it would ease both stress off of players and staff so I am pretty sure that's why it won or at least is winning in the poll.
    dresden72 likes this.
  12. That would probably go under the thread dealing with that update, doesn't have much to to with either DT or empires:)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. As a former player on EMC who left due to the burden caused by griefing in the frontier, I put Land Claiming (and associated Empire) first. The frontier as it is now is mostly unusable for large builds, unless you grow huge communities around them to help maintaining them. And large builds are not possible in town due to size limits. Why build protection in the frontier was not done earlier puzzles me; it looks like a necessary requirement for any non-private mc server.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  14. Kidding, of course. Know you guys are doing your best.
  15. I just liked it cause of the reference. Nice. Good source.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. Wow!!! (how?)
  17. Could we be in multiple empires at one given time or can we only be in one?
  18. voting mini bosses and enraged :p my token history now is 494k
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  19. You know I think we need Empires first. After all this is Empire Minecraft. It's in our name.
    kevmeup likes this.
  20. Claiming land is more important for groups before going on a Dragon Tomb hunt. It is most likely to result in the best outcome in my opinion.
    JMB6362, kevmeup, cadgamer101 and 2 others like this.
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