[POLL] What upcoming feature do you desire more?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Oct 7, 2015.


Which Feature Priority should we go with?

Poll closed Oct 26, 2015.
Dragon Tombs [3], Empires, Land Claiming 194 vote(s) 33.2%
Empires, Dragon Tombs [3], Land Claiming 41 vote(s) 7.0%
Empires, Land Claiming, Dragon Tombs [3] 350 vote(s) 59.8%
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  1. Thanks for liking my post :). Anyway, central banks tend to issue currency (like our federal reserve note that you may have in your pocket right now) and also bonds. The bond market is many times bigger (and many times more boring haha) than the stock markets of the world. Central banks try to set interest rates on these bonds based on what they feel, what would be best for the entire economy in the long run.

    Empire shop can be thought of as a central bank in all the smp's. It has the endorsement of the staff, like central banks have of their respective governments. I'm not sure where rupees come from. Probably from some code. However, if you want a physical spot that they could be coming from in EMC, it'd be empire shop. We could call rupees "Empire Shop Reserve Notes". The last similarity that empire shop has to a central bank is that it tries to control inflation. Except banks are technically illegal in EMC, so it can't use bond market manipulations to control interest rates of everything. Instead, empire shop uses a tool we don't have in real life to control inflation. That tool is infinite spawning of supplies. If someone tries to charge 100000 rupees for a block of dirt, someone will just go buy it from empire shop instead, and well, you know how empire shop works. It controls EMC economy like central banks try to control free markets.

    Maybe it is a stretch calling empire shop a central bank, but there's decent similarities. It works for me, might not for everyone. But after I broke it down and shown the similarities, maybe others will start thinking about empire shop as a central bank. Either way, empire shop is empire shop. I hope maybe someone learned something today? Anyway this is a thread about updates to EMC and here I am talking about central banks. This universe is funny.
  2. I can't believe how after all the hype about dragon tombs, the third option was picked the most frequently.
    bloodra1n and PenguinDJ like this.
  3. Because as has been stated over and over in this thread: the content isn't the sell, the reward is the sell. The content will be interesting to see but the protection is an integral part to a server like this one and that the wild has made it as far as it has without any kind of protection being already implemented is just short of absurd :-P

    As far as the central bank thing, that requires quite the imagination :-P
  4. Well after all we all want dragon tombs, but land claiming in the end is better for the empire at this time. That's the truth and I honestly don't think much will change it :)

    Also damn, all these paragraphs people are writing lol.
  5. I finally found it!!!! the actual first mention of what would eventually end up being the dragon tombs never ending debacle. I'm sure there are plenty of people here that have seen this but since everyone wants to keep chiming in about how they have been waiting for dragon tombs for 3 years... well guess what EMC has been waiting for wild protection for longer.


    M4ster_M1ner and dresden72 like this.
  6. As it has now been 2.5 weeks and we've gathered over 500 votes, the poll is now closed.

    Aikar and the development team will be working on the decided features. Thank you for everyone that voiced your opinions as we do take those into consideration alongside the majority vote in this case to gauge where the community is at with regards to priorities.
    kevmeup, dresden72, bloodra1n and 7 others like this.
  7. That is good news for everyone!!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. I would like to thank Aikar, Krysyy and the rest of the staff who have put in hours on end and continue to work hard to give us the best server possible.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  9. Ok confirming that Empires and then Land Claiming has won vote of the poll.

    As always, we will still work in small things here and there, small new features and code improvements etc. but those are the next 'BIG' items.

    And just so it's clear to everyone who's not a software engineer (or even those who are but don't understand): We will always work on small things, even old features that are totally unrelated, purely to improve the code.

    We develop new systems and patterns for developing things to make code more reliable, maintainable, and featureful.

    For example on stream yesterday I refactored how our Mail and internal code behind Vault etc stuff works too.
    Why? Because this new code is a great foundation for future code to come.

    We have to get these frameworks in place so that when we write the new code, it uses the newer, better styles of doing things.

    If we don't do it before, it becomes one of those 'would be nice but it works, we'll get to it one day' then never happens...

    So generally work on an idea while its fresh in head, rewrite some of the old code to use it, and then new code going forward makes use of it from the start.

    Win/Win/Win :)

    For example this: http://taskchain.emc.gs

    This library is becoming a core part of our codes foundation. It handles controlling the flow of operations enabling us to do it in cleaner ways that results in less lag on the servers.

    Doing features that don't cause the server lag without this utility system requires LOTS of code and makes the code hard to read!

    With it, we can write clean code that is clear on intent.

    Additionally, it helps us solve bugs by innovating. Before we had to band-aid the Mail system to make it cause lag on the server just to avoid dupe issues. Now with the work I did yesterday, that problem was resolved :)

    So if you watch my streams, this is why you'll see non Empires things, and why getting things done super fast is just not feasible.

    Doing things right takes time.
  10. Soooo, tl;Dr: those people that thought this meant wild protection would be around the corner, hold on to your expectations. :-P
    Kaizimir likes this.
  11. Hilarious post from Aikar. LMAO. And what Gawadrolt said.

    Has this anything to do with Empires or Land claiming?

    Which seems to happen with Empires and Land claiming.

    Sounds like procrastination to me. All the code so far has been written with out it, so why can't Empires and Land claiming do without?

    I wonder if you could share a, at least rough, time frame with us? How many other bugs need to be fixed before Empires and Land claiming are the main focus. Is there a time frame? I would expect early next year should be very feasible to implement Empires and Land claiming.

    Yeah, about 3 years plus...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. While thats not really the intent/tone I had hoped to accomplish with my post... it's relevant and understandable from my perspective. Before this poll reached it's "scheduled" end date I figured maybe I could hope for land claiming by January maybe February. This feature, considering the path EMC has taken is pretty essential to the expected result. Town, to me(and well... look at the poll) is only entertaining for so long. I find myself ending up back in town way more than I care to be just because of this feature. While the town may well be one of the best ever made, it's still town. NOT survival minecraft.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  13. Nice work Aikar! YOU & the DEV TEAM have made EMC great and im sure you will continue too!

    Also! has anyone noticed this?
    ILL HELP you then:
    Not YET?
    kevmeup likes this.
  14. I have and I am Happy, Cause I am Happy clap along if you feel like a room withou roof....
  15. Your post exposes your ignorance to the process of software development.

    Not only is feature development a part of the process, but the entire programming process consists of a cycle:
    /**********All steps is the process loop back onto the previous step which can require going back to step 1 from step 7**********/

    It begins with IPO (Input, Process, Output) which consists of 3 steps:

    - Requirements Specification
    - System Analysis
    - System Design

    The next 4 steps in the process are:
    - Implementation
    - Testing
    - Deployment
    - Maintenance

    /**********This is taken directly from page 59, chapter 2, section 2.16 Software Development Process, from the book: Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version 10th Edition by Y. Daniel Liang, which covers Java 7 and Java 8
    This was my textbook for Java I, Java II, and Java III although I did not complete Java I due to my disabilities becoming worse. I am studying individually at home from the beginning to learn both Java and Python.**********/

    The way this whole process is related to EMC is simple.
    The original code was developed by a single programmer, Justin. His methods for making things work was built on the dependencies of Bukkit which is now mostly defunct. Justin was not a developer involved with Bukkit, just an end user.
    After a while, Aikar joined the development of the server to assist Justin. This was the initial announcement of Dragon Tombs. This particular feature is very ambitious and the idea is still fluid. The project is soon put on the idea list when Aikar takes over complete ownership of EMC and the original code.

    At this point Aikar has free reign to redevelop the entire server's code while still keeping it operational so that the user base does not abandon what is now his intellectual property.
    He develops fixes and rewrites for some time, all the while including smaller features that will play a definitive roll in keeping EMC fresh and thriving.
    After some major management overhaul, Aikar decides to bring in additional programmers. Always a difficult choice and one that is not done without some serious discussion, interviewing, investigation and trust building between the lead programmer and the potential candidate for joining the programming team.

    Modularizing will make the code easier to utilize and also allow multiple people to work on separate yet interdependent code with better communication. Java will eat memory up very voraciously if you have too many processes included in your code. It makes more sense to modularize a portion of the code that can be utilized by many portions of new code without having to rewrite the exact same processes in each individual sub-program (feature) which then requires modifying each of these features code rather than just the core module being modified once and affecting all dependencies. This reduces errors significantly and allows identification and modification of the error singularly, removes redundancies in the code and makes it run smoother, use less memory and provide a greater structure to branch the features from the core code.

    When you watch Aikar's live streams or just cherry pick statements, present them out of context, and insert your personal opinion into a "reply" that reads more as an ignorant complaint than as an informed response, you lose any and all credibility with a majority of the readers.

    My long winded point is this:
    Aikar and his selected team are doing what is necessary to facilitate new features while still improving the code base. This is a normal part of the process.
    Also, if you don't understand the subject matter, do your research before injecting your opinions based on nothing more than your emotions.
    Otherwise, those with appropriate knowledge will pull you from your pedestal and expose you to reality.
    mba2012 and God_Of_Gods like this.
  16. Thanks for the briefing.

    While it is true that I find the whole story behind DT and land claiming highly frustrating, you can see from my post that I mostly pose questions.

    I understand enough about software development to know that it is easy to become too perfectionist with a matter, which will in the end take too long. Of course it is important to maintain the code base and make sure it runs smoothly. But IMHO it is not something that should be put forward towards the end user, specifically not with a sensible feature that has been asked and promised for many and a long time.

    Also I find it highly irritating to find a poll about "What do you want next?" and then stating "but first we are going to do something else". This has happened with DT several times, and hence the frustration, with which I am not alone. And this is by far not the first provoking post/thread about the topic.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  17. Actually if you read the poll, it says it in wording of "prioritize" meaning over the other options, and "which should be the next major feature"

    It does not say "what's the very next thing we will work on" and it also even clearly states that there will be other items even before whatever is voted on.

    Ultimately it boils down to that it's my choice in the end. The community gets the say in which MAJOR feature is prioritized for next, but does not get the say on absolute development order.

    I'm going to do what I want to do about how to code said features, and when that requires creating or updating frameworks, then so be it: that comes first.

    This is the joys of being the boss. I don't have to take the 'usual' business model of doing things quicker and sloppier just to get it done faster.

    It's easier to do things right the first time rather than writing it one way, and then having to go rewrite the same code again into better ways.

    It may be perfectionist, but thats the joys of being the boss. Have your cake and eat it too!

    But yes it relates to DT because I can guarantee you I will use that system for DT :p
  18. Looks like it is time to turn off alerts for this thread, it is nothing but a "flame war" now. I thought the "shop vs no shop" and "tp vs no tp" was bad, but now it is getting ridiculous...
    Kaizimir likes this.
  19. Yeah, I am out of here, too...
  20. This poll just served to clean up the priorities. They are more focused now than I've ever seen them. They'll still work through things the way they always have. They'll be refactoring that aikar's super excited about and we all look at him like "wha? We didn't even know residences had a Flux Capacitor..", they'll be the occasional "We gave chicken redbull for a weekend" where we get some medium sized new feature we never heard of before. When Empires does come out we'll probably have 3 days heads up. Thats just how things are here :) At least now we're all on the same page on the value of the frontier to the player base and we're moving closer. I'll take that as a win for us.
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