[POLL] SMP8 Constitution

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CadenMann, Mar 30, 2015.


Who would you like to sign the SMP8 constitution?

Poll closed Apr 13, 2015.
Kephras 12 vote(s) 30.0%
BlackKnight1021 13 vote(s) 32.5%
samsimx 6 vote(s) 15.0%
Ben3400 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Doggie45 0 vote(s) 0.0%
khixan 2 vote(s) 5.0%
Other Player (Post below) 5 vote(s) 12.5%
Ultimamaxx 0 vote(s) 0.0%
ShelLuser 2 vote(s) 5.0%
Defne_The_Boss 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. I know it'll be a separate thread for the constitution writing, but I wanted to write this down before I forgot it. (I'm old and forgetful :p)

    We must have the annual holiday party in Kat's pants.
    georgeashington and Kephras like this.
  2. Also accepting this as a vote, as there is a max of 10 poll options. ;)
  3. This thread both concerns and flatters me. I am confused.
  4. I approve. My pants still exist for the moment.
    DubChef and khixan like this.
  5. Really? Because other smps, smp8 included, have gone 4 years without a constitution and they've turned out fine...
  6. Me me me nominate me ive been on smp8 12 days after it and 9 opened up, all 1080 days ago, ask around people should know me me me me
    Kephras likes this.
  7. Who are you again? :confused:
    (just kidding Hurf ^_^)
  8. Caden-bae! Your name is not on the list :p
    khixan likes this.
  9. To anyone that was not placed on the list: I am making an edit to the OP now. Feel free to read it to find out how to make other nominations.
  10. *Writes serious post with nominations*
    *Adds adorable kitten gifs at the bottom*
    *Instant votes*
  11. Whoa I sense a little rivalry here. Smp8 is special, therefore we need special things to make us feel more special.
    DubChef likes this.
  12. Rivalry? Wat?
  13. The other smps turned out fine, yes. What does that have to do with smp8? :p
  14. Sarcasm doesn't read well through text.
    khixan likes this.
  15. |\|() ()|\|3 (4R35
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  16. For the record, my vote also went out to Kephras, IMO he's really the best suited person for this... I mean; you only need to look at his avatar ;)

    Now, apart from who's signing this constitution I suddenly remembered the reputation of smp8 an all of a sudden I'm getting a little nervous here. I mean; dare I ask what would go into this constitution?

    I can imagine it now... (all my work here is fair game, if you can use it just do so; we're good). I'm in a funny mood :p

    "We the Players of SMP8, in order to form a more perfect server, establish fun, insure residences for all, promote the general chaos, provide for chickens and secure the Blessings of Building to ourselves, do ordain and establish this constitution for the SMP8 of the Empire."

    Section 1 - Twerking.

    All twerking shall be done at the town spawn.

    Section 2 - Favorite games.

    Your favorite game shall be Minecraft and Minecraft shall be your favorite hobby.

    Section 3 - Building.

    All buildings shall have at least one Shrubbery and feature the word "ni" somewhere on or below the residence.

  17. I don't see anything about potatoes.
  18. I would have loved to see GoldenFirey too...
  19. Section 4: You are Seffy's wife now.
    In the event you are not Seffychan's wife, please see her ASAP to obtain your fish.

    Section 5: Ritual Sacrifice
    All offerings to EMC staff, dark and malevolent gods, Ender dragons, or Potato are to be cast into the fires at the summit of 16011. If you are not making an offering to one of the above, you are to be cast into the fires at the summit of 16011.

    Section 6: Punning
    All puns will be measured on the Flareon Scale
    (Mild Groan < - - - > Spontaneous Aneurysm)

    Section 7: Pants
  20. Dafffffuuuuu...