[POLL] SMP8 Constitution

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CadenMann, Mar 30, 2015.


Who would you like to sign the SMP8 constitution?

Poll closed Apr 13, 2015.
Kephras 12 vote(s) 30.0%
BlackKnight1021 13 vote(s) 32.5%
samsimx 6 vote(s) 15.0%
Ben3400 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Doggie45 0 vote(s) 0.0%
khixan 2 vote(s) 5.0%
Other Player (Post below) 5 vote(s) 12.5%
Ultimamaxx 0 vote(s) 0.0%
ShelLuser 2 vote(s) 5.0%
Defne_The_Boss 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Kephras is a candidate for top ten best EMC players ever. Probably. I haven't exactly counted them, just a ballpark guess.
  3. Spuds of love, pickle earrings, cart stealing pigmen (don't hit the pigmen), grinders run by player boat bait or at least 1 player sacrifice, the party in the pants but no one wears the pants, toasters and pizarols for food, naked nether runs. puns of the Flareon, bird is the word, Chris' hot tubs or Kat's lava baths for all in town, villager love shacks, frequently beat the villagers with a stick, Cobble Cobble, ...

    What else am I forgetting? :D
    Kephras, kaptrix and Deadmaster98 like this.
  4. The marriages! Smp8 has a name for itself for marrying strange things, oh and Stan. Nobody can forget stan :p
    khixan likes this.
  5. How do I tag Seffy.
    Must get fish now.
    Kytula likes this.
  6. You caught me; this is where my SMP8 inexperience shows up :)

    I should probably visit you guys more often 8)
    georgeashington likes this.
  7. Funniest grinder ever.
    DubChef and khixan like this.
  8. Wha?! What about OofGuy? (me)