Overwatch Thread!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sachrock, Mar 16, 2017.


Do you play Overwatch?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.8%
No 28 vote(s) 31.5%
I want to 14 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. This was a sweet Genji 4 Man ult
  2. I would assume teamwork on EU is worse as well, seeing as many people might not be speaking English :p
  3. Yes they are all Russian xD
  4. When you get 28 kills and out heal your mercy as a Lucio and still lose the game!!! :mad:

  5. Lost 5 games and won 5 games need to win a few games to push to diamond :p
  6. Looks like they finally fixed the issue of setting you like 200 SR below your previous season's SR...that was annoying.
  7. Don't worry I lost 50 sr from 2 games because Blizzard hates me
  8. Oh nice
  9. I'm gold now. Why, you may ask? (I made a forum post so Imma just copy it)

    I'd just like to point out that I've just played 3 games in a row, each of which with the exact same thrower on them. For the 3rd one, I just bit the bullet and left so the game would end (my teammates were okay with my doing so seeing as they didn't want to deal with that either). Why is it that when I report someone multiple times and block them I still continue to queue with them? Also, how is a player receiving 3 games worth of reports for griefing in all of the 3 games that they play not raising any red flags? It makes literally no sense at all.

    Also, the next game me and Rex joined in had a lvl 34 player who said "he did not know how to play the game". I thought he was joking. He was not.
  10. If you're on the Overwatch Reddit, there was recently a post about Jeff roasting a troll. In the forums he complained that he got unjustly banned for no reason out of the blue. However, Jeff came in and said he had 1000s of complaints tied to his IP and had been banned in multiple occasions. I love Overwatch and all and Jeff and the team do an amazing job, but really they're not too quick on banning people or suspending them.
  11. Overwatch, more like Scatterwatch because that's what I worry about 80% of the time when the enemy team has a Hanzo main on their team. Still fun and good to play whether it be on console or pc
  12. I've not encountered much toxicity this season. I've only had 1 game with any toxicity, which is surprising, because I've been playing a LOT of Sombra this season. I have, however, had an insane amount of throwers so...
  13. Just in case you've been living under a rock there was a Short made for Mei
  14. Is that a Rein Potg? Yes it is
    Is that a Nano-boosted Rein Potg? Yes it is
    Is that a 360 Nano-boosted Rein Potg? Yes it is
    K_Kick likes this.
  15. I thought I'd share some of my best Tracer moments, as she's my favorite hero at the moment. I didn't try to professionally edit the video, so don't expect much in terms of quality :p

    Edit: ...how do you embed youtube vids
  16. I

  17. Press that video button and copy the YouTube URL
  18. Ah, thanks
    Sachrock likes this.
  19. Played a game of comp and 5 man resed twice.
    K_Kick likes this.
  20. Enjoy it while you can :p
    Qkazooo and K_Kick like this.