Today I experienced the weirdest game of Overwatch I have every played. We were playing on Hanamura, and we won 2-1. Not that weird, right? No. The other team captured 100% of the second point, yet they still lost. Here it is the second they hit 100% Here it is later, still at 100% Here it is at the end of the game, showing that they captured 100%, yet only received 1 point. Here it is showing the second round began still saying they had 1 point AND here it is showing we were victorious I'm probably gonna make a bug report on this later, seeing as this must be a bug.
I had a game like that, but it was a payload map. It was Watchpoint: Gibraltar and my team was approaching the second checkpoint we pushed it to the point that the meter indicator (the number that pops up when you get close to the checkpoint) disappeared and the payload progress bar at the top looked like it had already crossed the second tick. That really pissed me off...anyways, I don't think it's so much a "bug" as it is a mistake in the system. I think that the system has this super small margin between hitting 100% (or hitting the checkpoint on payloads) and actually acknowledging the completion of the checkpoint. That would explain your 100% game and my checkpoint game.
Two people on our team, each named MagicPants, and only one with a mic. They also both had a variation of the Pachimaru player icon. It was a very challenging game communication-wise
I am religiously against that Reaper skin... EDIT : I now realize I sound like one of those uptight religious folk who think any form of monster is evil and a demon or whatever and that is not how I intended it. I meant it figuratively. End rant.
I just got yelled at as a solo healing Mercy because I kept getting killed by a flanking Genji, Tracer, and Widowmaker? A genji told me "well if you'd kill them instead of feeding maybe you could solo heal right". What the heck even. They finally started killing them when they hit 2nd Checkpoint and we ended up dominating after that, I just don't understand what was going through their heads?
I played two games of comp today and reminded myself why I don't enjoy playing comp, first game I played I got a thrower who said, "if anyone picks Junkrat or Sombra, I will throw", someone ended up playing Junkrat and he threw the entire game, and we lost. Then the second game I played (right after the first) I got that same thrower, plus two others (all of which were NOT teaming might I add) and they threw with no warning, I lost that game too (surprise surprise). Honestly, Overwatch's competitive community is in a bad state. Especially if you are anywhere lower than Grandmasters/Masters. I feel as though people try more in Quick Play than in Competitive.
It feels like no matter what happens, you still get toxicity. FOR EXAMPLE, I've played a bit of DPS today because I normally fill, and I'd like to say I'm an above average Junkrat. We were with a 3-stack, and I'm destroying the other team's backline, but the other team has a Pharah, which is doing even more work than I am, taking out the whole team. I request that our Pharah (who, mind you, doesn't even have silver damage. Our Roadhog did, and he was also complaining about the Pharah, but in a polite way) switches to McCree or Soldier, because he had more hours on both of those heros than he did on any others. Seems reasonable, right? Nope. His response is to type in chat "We need a hitscan for Pharah". Like yah, thanks? So then one of his groupmates begins to speak in a very aggravated tone towards me for not switching while I'm over here killing all of the backlines rocking 3 Golds. Eventually our Main Tank switched to Reaper (without any warning), our solo heal Mercy switched to McCree, and our Pharah switched to Soldier. We BARELY managed to pull out a win after we got a new Mercy, I took Lucio, and then our McCree switched to Reinhardt. It was awful.
One of my games at the end: Guy: "I realized who sucks. It's all of you" Me: "Sorry for healing you" Guy: "Don't be, you barely did" Me: *looks at 16k healing* ????????????????????????????????????????