Overwatch Thread!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sachrock, Mar 16, 2017.


Do you play Overwatch?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.8%
No 28 vote(s) 31.5%
I want to 14 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. Adobe Premier Pro
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  2. I have gotten a fair amount of interest in Overwatch lately, but mainly the story of the characters themselves. Flat shooters tend to bore me (not to mention I hate them on console, and my computer cannot handle it) but from what I have forced myself to play on Xbox One, I am loving Tracer. By the time I'd be able to upgrade my PC and then get the game though I'm sure everyone will have moved onto a different game, so, lol. :p But there's my two cents.
    Sachrock likes this.
  3. You won't find much in game lore, but if you explore outside of the game, you'll find quite the story. Blizz also releases shorts sometimes packed with lore. One in game event did cover lore (Uprising), but nothing much else. I hope you do enjoy the actual game too :D

    (Pssssst, I'll probably still be playing Overwatch if you get it in the future, I always focus on a few games and obsess over them :p)
    Sachrock and Slvr like this.
  4. I recently got a computer powerful enough to run Overwatch and started playing. So far I've avoided ranked since I prefer to just have fun in quick play with a few friends.
    So far I've been playing fill in quick play and lockout eliminations so I don't really have a main, but offense heroes confuse me for some reason. Does anyone have some general tips for offense heroes, or is more playtime the best way to learn how?
    Sachrock likes this.
  5. I tend to pick offence heroes when they are needed so if the whole team has picked 2 of each role and offence is left then I would play them. If the enemy team has no hit-scan (Soldier, McCree, Widow) then Phara is a good pick as she can destroy people with ease. You are best off to going into the practice range to see which character you like the look of, then you can try going against AI to see how you play, then into actual games etc. One thing which I have done is watching pro players like Seagull playing and you can see what they do and copy it, that worked out with for me with playing genji/hanzo.
  6. Watch the pros. All offensive characters require a different mindset, but some can be grouped together. For instance, Genji and Tracer are both flankers. Their job is to harass the enemy. They both have ways to evade the enemy; however, being that their methods of harassment are different, you have to learn how to pilot each character. It takes quite a bit of practice, but if you want easier offensive characters to learn, try Soldier and Pharah. They're less intensive than the other offensive characters :)

    Soldier: Get. High. Ground. You are highly effective when you can fire down on enemies. When you use your tactical visor, having the high ground is a huge advantage and can rack you up many more kills than if you were on the ground.

    Pharah: Fire from as far away as you can, whether that be vertically or horizontally. Staying high in the air makes certain characters unable to hit you (Winston and Reaper are good examples). Even Hanzo, a sniper, will have difficulty hitting you. Soldier, a counter to Pharah, will also have difficulty hitting you due to a need for higher accuracy when further away. If you have any more questions, just ask :)
    Sachrock likes this.
  7. Me : *Finishing up a game* Oh sweet another loot box!
    Me : *In main screen opening box and a legendary pops out* Ooooh heck yah give me Tracer
    Loot Box :

    5 Legendaries out of over 50 boxes. 2 were event skins, and they were each the same exact one. 2 were cancerous heroes I can barely play without violating my moral standards (Junkrat and Bastion). 1 was currency. I want to die.
  8. I didn't even get an event legendary, nor have I gotten one since the Summer Games. Consider yourself lucky.
  9. But how much have you played?
  10. I opened around 30 lootboxes.


    Edit :
    I just bought 24 boxes and I am already pissed off...

    Edit 2 :

    I mean I guess

    Edit 3 :

    Ok it's getting better-ish
  12. You have 7.5k coins, use them
  13. Trust me I will lol
  14. I got done playing a bunch of Overwatch and got 3 loot boxes. I got a legendary in every single 1! However, 2 of those were the Ra and Daredevil 76 skins, but I got the Sentai skin, my first event legendary in almost a year.
    Sachrock and EmpireMall like this.
  15. Alrighty. I'm pissed off. I leveled up again and opened my box. Get ready for this fine work of art.

    Yah that's right. Another Symmetra Architech (it really bothers me they didn't spell that like Architect). I wanna know why out of all of the legendaries I keep getting this one?

    Also I just got a game with a guy playing McCree and all he did was sit in random areas of the map and whenever he got an ult he canceled the emote and single ulted someone, yet we still won somehow.
  16. Comp or qp? If it's comp, report him. If it's quick play, well...quick play.

    Also, everyone gets duplicates. I've gotten Roadhog's Mako skin at least four times now. Just brush it off and keep playing the game. After all, they're just cosmetics. You should focus more on the gameplay, not the aesthetic choices offered.
  17. It was comp and we did report him

    Well yah of course everyone gets duplicates, but it doesn't make it any less triggering. Just like how everyone loses games, but it still pisses a lot of people off when it happens. And yes I have been focusing on gameplay quite a bit, I'm already up nearly 800 SR from when the competitive season started, that's actually how I've gotten as many loot boxes as I have (other than the ones I bought).
  18. Thanks for the tips. I'll give that a try. Pharah was one of the first heroes I tried to play, and now that I know what hitscan and who has it is I can probably pick her to be more effective than before in some situations.

    I just realized that maybe part of why I find offense heroes confusing to play is because I'm not used to hitscan, since I mostly play Hanzo, Mercy, Lucio, D.Va, and Rein, and while D.Va is technically a hitscan character, at least in mech, well, let me just say that I don't think aiming needs to be her strong spot. I've also been playing Ana in lockout eliminations, planning to take her into quick play soon.

    The only offense hero that I think I've done okay as is McCree. As long as I remember not to use my ult ever I seem to do okay. Thank Blizzard buffs are coming

    I tried Hanzo on offense since I've been doing reasonably well as him, and even for quick play it worked laughably well. For the couple of games I tried it I could basically run at people and shoot them in the face.

    Apparently I've been getting very lucky with my loot boxes since I have yet to open a duplicate legendary, and I tend to get a legendary every few boxes. Do you think they might boost the legendary drop rate for new people? Because 5 legendary skins out of 50 boxes is definitely less than what I've gotten, since I don't think I've opened 50 loot boxes yet (only level 28 or so and leveling is where the majority of my loot boxes have come from) and I've gotten at least seven legendary skins
    Sachrock likes this.
  19. It's unlikely, however if you want some "coaching" with Pharah I can definitely help you out. I mean I may be silver but I've raised ~800 SR already this season, so I'd say I'm at least decent and understanding of how to play her.
  20. I was questioning myself if I should get the new Symm skin or spend my last 3000 coins on emotes, so I spent them on emotes but a small part of me wanted the Symm skin as its pretty cool but then this happened :D

    Slvr and EmpireMall like this.