[Outpost] The Underground City v2

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Chizmaro, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. If possiable i would like to apply for Resource Gatherers and redstone expert
  2. Never been ban , dont have an alt an am active allmost all the time
  3. Don't triple post, and just go to the first post, copy the fill out form then paste it
  4. Form:
    Have You Been Banned:
    If So Why:
    Alt (if you have one):
    List of workers:
  5. You shouldn't give them it, make sure they read the op.
  6. IGN: Theomight
    Job: Redstone expert
    Why: love redstone , i do more then just farms i am creative with redstone can copy anything an fully understand how redstone works knows how to make all the parts lol wiki duh xD , also love to build my own redstone inventions
    Have You Been Banned: Nope
    If So Why:
    Alt (if you have one): I dont have one
    List of workers: not sure what to put here?
  7. IGN:Theomight
    Job:resource gatherer
    Why:Its easy just can take time, an from reading op, i find thats were help is most needed
    Have You Been Banned:Nope
    If So Why:
    Alt (if you have one):No alt
    List of workers:still not sure what to put here lol
  8. You could have done just one post just say main job was Resource Gatherer and secondary was Redstone. Also list of workers isn't part of the ap.
  9. alright where do i need to go im on smp8
  10. Someone will add you to a message with coordinates. Follow those to find it.
  11. IGN: kitten3101
    Job: City Planner/Farmer
    Why: I enjoy planning outposts.
    Have You Been Banned: Once.
    If So Why: For stealing(I regret it even after I was unbanned)

  12. If you were trusted to be unbanned, you are trusted to join. Welcome. PM chizmaro or Nickblockmaster.
  13. Can I be shown the way?
  14. When you PM one of the people mentioned above, they will show you the way.
  15. Already got it done
  16. IGN: golddigger221
    Job:resource collecter and miner
    Why: I like those jobs
    No alt
    Never been banned
  17. We are officially reviving this thread
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  18. IGN: RaiinNL
    Job: Main Job: Gathering recources ( I would love to be the lumberman hehe )
    Secondary job: Farmer
    Why: I love to work with people. Building a outpost, the teamwork. I love it!
    Have You Been Banned: Nope!
    If So Why:
    Alt (if you have one): HiddenWanderer / SharpyNL
  19. Your accepted. You'll have to message nick on how to get there die to the fact thy I heaven been in two years.