[Outpost] The Underground City v2

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Chizmaro, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Apply for a Job:
    IGN: kyle12cu1
    Job: Main: City Planned
    Secondary: Redstone expert
    Why: Redstone is my passion and I wanted that job. City Planer sounds interesting and is my second passion.
    Have You Been Banned:
    If So Why:
    Alt (if you have one):

    EDIT: I am experienced with GIMP
  2. IGN: OzzyPyro
    Job: Miner or Resource Gatherer
    Why: I feel like I am an effective miner, and I actually enjoy going out and gathering supplies of all kinds :D
    Have You Been Banned: Never
    If So Why: N/A
    Alt (if you have one): N/A
  3. Accepted, would you like to be added to group chat?
  4. You have to pick a main job, redstone isn't a main job, please re-submit when you pick one :)
  5. Accepted ;)
    Would you like to be invited to the main chat?
  6. Yep
  7. Yes please
  8. A donation for you :) have fun mining
    RES 2224 smp1
  9. Yes Please : )
  10. IGN: jacobshapiro45

    Why: because i want to be a part of something bigger than myself
    Have You Been Banned: no
    If So Why:N/A
  11. Please pick a secondary job!
  12. red stone expert
  13. Would you like to added to the group chat?
  14. sure
  15. Hey chiz what was our donation?