Me: Oooo the prospect of shiny regionals <3_<3 PoGo: *Gives her non-shiny variants of her regional Pokémon* Anyone else feel the pain? XD
Yeah.. I've hatched double each regional minus Tauros and over 20 baby pokemon and non of them have been a shiny. Not giving up still have 10 more days to try and hatch a shiny.
I’m the same! I bought the adventure box so I have plenty of the super incubators to use with the half hatch distance
Just wanted to share and hear about how the community day went for everyone! I managed to catch 3 shiny turtwigs and got up to 300 candies. How did it go for everyone else?
Congrats on the 3 shiny.. I wasn't feeling up to par so I didn't do any hunting. I can still catch it during the December community day for catching up.
I just 2 Alolan eggs from one gift. I've never had that happen before, i hope it means one is a shiny regional.
I've hatched so many alolan eggs this past week and have got nothing good . Although I just visited San Fran and got a shiny Onix, Machop, Alolan Sandshrew, and Pineco!! All within 4 days! Also my trainer code: 4640 8459 9474
When claiming the weekly reward it said I hatched 63 eggs! How crazy is that I also recently got a shiny pineco and a Alolan Sandshrew! I didn’t even realise that there was a shiny version of Alolan Sandshrew No shiny regionals on my main account, but still 8 eggs from my second account to get through
Pokemon Go has the word "Go" in the name~ (That's almost all I know about the game, I know very minimal about the franchise as well.)
I’ve only managed to find the costume Pikachu :3 I caught a shiny Duskull on my second account though
Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur in costume are raid only.. and I've only come across a Bulbasaur raid but haven't seen the other two yet.