I think age is just a number and it should be based off maturity. because i know some 16 year old that are about as mature as a 5 year old. And i know some 14 year olds that are more mature then most adults.
I read this these threads and I get feeling of déjà Vu when certain topics come up. Anyways good luck to players apply and remember it's not a perk being staff on Emc, it's responsibility.
Not sure if this has been asked yet. Sorry if it has. If I already applied several times in the past, should I send a new application so that its the most up-to-date version? Also, if I did, then would that help the server admins find my application since it would now be around the top?
Seems the time has come upon us again! Glad to see the Empire growing once more and will be happy to see some new faces. Good luck to all that apply.
becoming a staff. Its a lot of hard work, some players just aren't ready for. But if you're in the right mindset you'll have nothing to worry about
Getting serious here, as I got staff on my alt (iErebos) on a 2000+ regular server, I am going to warn those who apply as Moderators already have. It is more than a green name. It is much more responsibility than you think, especially watching over the ten servers. I'm not sure how the community is here, but you will get asked plenty of odd questions i.e. Can I be OP, Are you Owner?, whats ur Skype?, etc. Very few people are suitable for the job and kryssy and Max and Aikar have done more than an astounding job picking staff, and I hope they continue to do so. Do not apply if you do not think you have patience, love of the server, and other normal staff qualities. Best of luck to those who apply.