[Mini-guide] How the compass became totally awesome

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by ShelLuser, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Hi gang!

    As you may (or may not) know Aikar and the developers have recently released a new update which gave a whole new meaning to the compass. Trust me: you'll never look at it the same way again ;)

    First of all: what is a compass? It's a tool which normally points to the world spawnpoint. You can make one using one redstone dust and surround it with 4 iron ingots, like so:

    As said, in vanilla it is kind of useless because it doesn't even point to the north but merely to the world spawn. Useful if you have build something close by, but will quickly turn useless as soon as you're spreading out into the world.

    Enter the Empire Minecraft Compass Extensions => EMCE? Works for me!


    Death point

    You know the drill, right? You're out into the waste, a creeper drops in from behind and a skeleton shoots you in the face. With the obvious end result: you die. Now, we have the /dlog command (short for /deathlog) but although I value the command highly I never really liked it. Don't get me wrong: its an awesome command. I just don't like running around while keeping F3 (debug screen) open merely to run towards a specific coordinate.

    Now we no longer have to: /compass death

    Make sure you're in the same world as where you died, then use that command. The result is that the compass will now point to the coordinates where you died (you'll get a confirmation). Each to their own, but for me following the compass around is so much more fun than staring at some stupid numbers.

    UPDATE: As of now your compass will automatically point to your deathpoint the very moment you die. So the only thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a compass with you (read on for more on that).

    It works: I died because of a creeper / skeleton combo attack, and you can see my stuff above

    Bed point: easily find your base again!

    My friends and me have made a really cool (literally!) base in the SMP2 Frontier. We each got our room (which I still need to make & clean up I guess :D), a kitchen, storage, recreation room and... We got beds where we set our spawnpoint whenever we go adventuring.

    Now, usually I'm pretty decent with finding my way around an area. But our base... Its inside a snowy hill; there's snow everywhere. And once you start roaming the area all those snow hills will start to look alike. Obviously it also doesn't help that we tried to hide our base a bit in order to protect it.

    But now you no longer have to rely on those stupid coordinates, or use /map all the time.

    Find your way home using: /compass bed.

    This will point your compass to your spawnpoint. Which you set by sleeping in a bed. So if you're out adventuring and you want to find your way home again without "cheating" too much then this is the command to use.

    Don't laugh, I know where I put my bed ...soon :D

    Compass coordinates: Finding a point without "cheating"

    (the coordinates have been changed so I don't spoil the semi-secret)

    There is this event going on and in order to participate you merely need to find that single point to enter. This can apply to Friday Night Mining, Tree Choppers (although that also often happens on a residence) and there was of course the time capsule event:
    [03:24:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R FlorasFauna: i'll lead you guys
    [03:24:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R pinkkelly123: lol
    [03:24:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] T Cowking113: hi Krysyy
    [03:24:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R • NathanRP: I had an ore buster, cool!
    [03:24:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R Wolf_King_the1st: I cant find mine
    [03:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R MC_pvplord: i dont got 1 =(
    [03:24:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R • SkeleTin007: im lost now
    [03:24:17] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] R ShelLuser: -500, 28, 100
    All nice and well, but what if you need to go out (for example to get stuff to put in your time capsule) and then find this place again? (in the end Krysyy helped out, but before that we were on our own).

    A simple solution really: /compass set X Z, where X and Z are the coordinates. So in the above situation Wolf could have used: /compass -500 100 and it would have pointed him right at the secret / hidden well (if those were the real coordinates of course :p).

    But there are so much more uses for this!

    Ever wondered where the outpost was after some hard work at mining? Now you don't have to: as soon as you spawn simply use the /location or /loc command, this will show you your current coordinates. Then feed those into the compass: /compass set X Z. And now you can simply go out into the wild to mine and dig and hunt mobs. All you have to do to get back to the outpost is simply following your compass.

    UPDATE: As of now (time of reading) any compass you hold will automatically be set to the outpost you spawn on. So if you're mining and want to keep track of your origin (outpost) then simply bring a compass with you!

    2nd UPDATE: If you're out in the wilderness (frontier or waste) and have changed your compass target then you can make it point at the nearest outpost again using: /compass spawn.

    I don't know about you, but to me this really enhances the Minecraft gameplay.

    Bonus: your own soulbound compass!

    It's amazing how quickly you forget isn't it? With all this cool stuff, especially the easy way to find your deathpoint, wouldn't it be great to have your own soulbound compass?

    Guess what? You can!

    The Empire Assistant

    Just use /assist new and you'll get a new Empire Assistant. Sure; its main function is to right click so that you get the Empire Assist menu which gives you access to all sorts of commands. See an example above. But many people seem to forget that it's also a compass, which will work perfectly with all the commands shown above.
  2. I never knew that lol
    Great post Shel :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. o-o Shel thanks for explaining this and I didn't even know! This will be so useful for players (like me :p) who have almost no clue how to use coordinates. :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. This is a great explanation of the new compass commands! Thank you!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. I had no idea! I don't even make compasses, because they are generally pretty useless. This, however, is FANTASTIC! Thank you!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Shell, there is nothing mini about this 10 page essay. :p
    Sazukemono and ShelLuser like this.
  7. It's mini, relatively speaking compared to some of the other stuff Shel has written =P
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Wow! I don't know what to say, this is something I've always wanted in minecraft. Thanks!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. Nice post!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. Very helpful guide! (Compasses aren't useless!) :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. I'm bumping this once for the bump fun of it. Also because we got plenty of new players in the mean time and well...

    Truth be told I think the "EMCE" is one of the best recent updates done to Empire Minecraft so far. I'm honestly thrilled and still quite excited. The Empire assistant has found a permanent place in my inventory and I'm using this stuff every time I go out to mine.

    So there you have it!
    607 likes this.
  12. Ever since we went 1.9 I've seen dozens of new players join. And since I 'bumped' (sorta) my admin warning guide I cannot ignore this one anymore.

    You see: I think my admin guide is one of my better guides. But the compass update is my all time favorite "EMC survival feature" so far. I love it, I basically use it every time I'm online.

    SO... A bumping we will go.

    If you're a new player, you should definitely consider keeping the Empire assistant with you and also pay attention to it when mining :)

  13. Part II - How the compass became even more awesome!

    Hi gang!,

    I guess this is now turning into a regular guide instead of a mini-guide. Oh well ;) On the 7th of June 2017 the developers released the bars & bugs update (I made the name up) and this also included extra functions for the compass. SO yeah, that cries out for a (mini) update :)

    Because I already explained how the compass worked above I'll only concentrate on explaining the individual new commands.

    /compass current

    Maybe you recognize this situation: you're out in the wilderness (waste or frontier) and suddenly you discover Momentus. One problem: you're not prepared for a fight, but you also would really enjoy coming back later and take him on anyway.

    Now there are 2 things you can do. If "later" means "in a few days" then my suggestion would be to use the /loc command followed by F2 (make screenshot). This shows you your exact current location (coordinates, server, your most near-by outpost (when not in town)).

    But if "later" means "as soon as I reach my base to grab my gear" then you should consider using /compass current instead. As the name implies this command will point the compass to your current location, which will make it very easy to find it again later.

    And there's tons more uses for it. You came across a huge cave in the wastelands and it only has 1 entrance / exit. So how do you find the exit again later? Simple! => /compass current. And once you found the exit again and climbed out you can follow up with: /compass spawn which will point the compass to the nearest EMC outpost (so that you can go back to your residence).

    /compass north, east, south and west

    This command should be pretty much self explaining... If you want to use the compass to find a specific direction without using the debug screen (F3) then simply use the compass! Did the live map show you that your target is north-east of your position. You know where East is because of the rising sun, so all you need to know is North. Easily done: /compass north.

    The compass came to town!

    Most compass commands are best used outside town. After all: there's little use for /compass death in town, because in town it's pretty much impossible to die. And location commands can be fun, but... if you can teleport to a residence anyway, why bother with a compass?

    Well.... Because it's fun? ;)

    /compass residence

    You're visiting a new player and you're wondering how close (or far) their residence is away from yours. Maybe you're close neighbours and their residence is only 3 blocks away from yours. Easily found out, just point your compass to someone's residence. Just keep in mind that you'll need to use an exclamation mark (!) when pointing to a residence when you're not standing on it. This also applies to the flag commands (example: /res pset !shelluser ayanamikun would allow me to set Aya's flags for my residence, even when I'm way out in the waste or frontier).

    So: /compass residence !shelluser, would point the compass target to my main residence. /compass residence !ayanamikun-2 would point it to Aya's 2nd residence. Keep in mind though that the compass can only be pointed to a residence that is on the same server you're currently on.

    But there's more....

    I hope you're familiar with named locations, also referred to as residence locations?

    You can even use the compass to point at a specific named location, this is also the default behaviour.

    For example: on my main residence (3544) I have a named location called 'garden', this points to my semi-automated farm in the back. If you want to check it out then there's a problem: because I have the namedtp flag set to deny you can't just teleport there (unless you're on the visitors list). But you can still find out about it: /compass residence garden. If you're standing on my residence then this would point your compass to that named location, allowing you to simply walk over :cool:

    And if you're not standing on my residence you could use: /compass residence !shelluser garden.

    /compass distance

    If all you want to know is how far you're away from your compass location then you can use this. It will only show you the distance (in blocks) and no more. Personally I prefer the /loc command because it's shorter and also much easier to use, but this is a thing too :)

    /compass direction

    This is not a new command, nor directly related to the compass, but heck ;) This will tell you the direction you're currently facing. And in more detail than Mojang does, because the Empire compass also knows about North-East and South-West for example.

    And there you have it!

    Why I think the compass became even more awesome than it already was :cool:
    FunWart, NDubb424 and TomvanWijnen like this.