Mending Enchantment Concerns?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AmusedStew, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. That was nerfed in the update, when your riding a horse with this enchantment on your boots it does not have any effect.
  2. I'm pretty sure that, as of now, you can get the extra health just by holding it. That's because the extra health isn't an enchantment, but rather an attribute modifier, and you can get those by holding any item with them. My only doubt is if that would work on the off hand as it already does on the main hand.
  3. More I think about it. More I think it could be okay to leave as is. Why? Because there is what you just said. But your test was probably just where one item with mending was being used. This would not be as effective for multiple armor/weapons that need mending.

    We will put it on the list to look at once we are preparing for final release, if it seems alright as is. Probably will just release with vanilla mechanics (one less thing to slow the update down).
    mehtryx likes this.
  4. No, that's one of the concerns people have about this enchant. This is one of the biggest reasons why people are worried about what this will do to the economy.
  5. Would appear you are right. Not sure if it is intended, but it makes sense as to how it works (even if it doesn't make sense it being a helmet). Based on this, I would assume that by the current mechanics you would receive the attribute buff with the helmet in your off-hand.
  6. sigh

    Keep it as is. Did more testing with slightly damaged armor. Not one exp was gained, no armor pieces were fully repaired. I fought 20 zombies.

    Curse you and making me think twice.
  7. Remember 1.9.1 has yet to come out yet. Mabey some major changes are coming?
  8. Odds are nothing towards Mending.
    tuqueque likes this.
  9. "So you know that feature we added?"

    "The one with the boots?"

    "Well, it turned out to be useful."

    "Egad! The horror! The barbarity! The hideousness of the whole affair! We must stop it at once — think of the children, of our future, think what could happen!"

    "The community thinking we have a sense of direction, and that we are finally realizing that they don't want an endless stream of colorful nothings; but actual, engaging changes to the way the game works and entertains them?"



    "You're right."

    "I'm r—"

    "You're right. It's worse than I thought."


    "Change it immediately."
  10. To be fair, frost walker on horses would completely negate the need for a boat.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. I did some testing, here are the results:

    Used full diamond set with unbreaking III and Prot IV and a diamond sword with Unbreaking III Sharpness V, all in addition to mending. All items had 10% of their durability. I killed exactly 152 zombie pigmen (average 15 minutes on my EMC pigman farm).
    • Boot durability increased 79%
    • Chest durability increased 50%
    • Pants durability increased 73%
    • Boots durability increased 75%
    • Sword durability increased 19%
    • Went from level 0 to 24
    All it would take me to restore a full diamond set back from almost zero durability is 1 hour on a pigman farm, and I would still get a very decent amount of XP from it. Not drawing any conclusions here, just presenting facts ;)
    TomvanWijnen and PhoenixAffinity like this.
  12. Not only that but if frost walker was meant to work on horses, horses would wear boots or you would somehow enchant the horse.

    Imagine if the Elytra made horses and pigs fly, just because you were wearing it. That is completely illogical.
  13. So is a stone block floating in the air after I dug the block below it out, meanwhile we fall ;)

    I'd say there is a precedent.
    MrCDub and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. So, I just logged on to the forums to vote and I need to address some things after reading the comments.

    • I never once said the enchantment should be removed as some people seem to think I did.

    • The enchant is used in many settings, as sky & chicken stated, having it on everything in your arsenal doesn't mean everything gets repaired at once. BUT, as Birosquinha stated, an hour at his exp farm is enough to repair the gear and gain excess exp while also gaining the amazing mob drops ofc.
    • I used a mining scenerio, because when I go in the cave with full armor, a pick, and other tools, I am ONLY using my pick shovel and occasional sword. My armor barely loses any durability so I am able to keep the pick shovel and sword fully if nor close to fully repaired while digging a 50 block radius around my beacon.

    I am fully aware how economies work, and I fully agree with your first statement on creative destruction. However,"...and thus the cost of all mined items will be reduced; more people will be able to use elytra because people won't have to always buy new ones" I have an issue with your statement. The price of mined items will go down due to a large influx in supply. True. But those who are selling the items will be making less money. I heard on one thread someone say Elytra should be what, 50k? Okay so I need 50k, I will go mining. Before my laptop broke, a DC of redstone was about 10,000r (5DC needed to hit 50k). With such an influx of mined items, Redstone will go down in price to say 8,000r (thus causing you to need 6.25DC of redstone to hit 50k). It will be more difficult for said player to earn his new item because he needs another 1.25DC of redstone to get it. My example is all hypothetical but it would work for any item. Also,"more people will be able to use elytra because people won't have to buy new ones" makes no sense. If it is available in an infinite quantity (as per the suggestion for it to be added to shop), anyone with the money can use it. Nobody would have to buy new ones because of mending's availability on Elytra. Also we are removing the need for diamonds, if I do not need them for repairs then I dont need them at all. Supply will go up, demand will go down causing a decrease in price. Then again, back when diamonds were 35r/ea.....

    "Mods — please please please don't let special interest groups cause you to mess with vanilla."
    I dont see how I am a special interest group. My whole interest in this matter is that the item might be a bit OP from an economic standpoint. And EMC is far from vanilla, items and mechanics have been changed drastically throughout the span of EMC. EMC has made changes from vanilla that are great (the whole 60 block radius for fob farms vs vanilla's what, 256 radius?) and bad changes from vanilla (bad memory doesnt allow me to recall everything but I know there is an example out there somewhere). EMC is french vanilla, and it will change mechanics from vanilla all the time.

    I remember when the change to 30 was implemented. Back when it was 50, I remember buying a diamond pickaxe with Unbreaking 3 Efficiency 4 and Fortune 3 for 20,000r. That change caused the enchant market to change drastically but we put up with it.

    "Imagine if the Elytra made horses and pigs fly, just because you were wearing it. That is completely illogical."
    All I know is even if it is illogical... It would be kinda cool... not on EMC but as a "joke mod" in SP.

    Im gonna go back to my dark corner and stare at the UPS tracking screen with false hope that they suddenly decided to ship on Sundays :rolleyes:...
    jkjkjk182 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  15. I'm way too lazy for horses, so I'd still use boats :p
  16. I disagree. The reason the items will get cheaper is because the cost of producing them goes down. Since the cost of buying and maintaining picks will go down, miners will be able to pass that lowered cost down to consumers without eating into their profits. Mending won't cause a tidal wave of cheap items, it will simply reduce their cost for consumers.

    To look at it another way: The profit you make on a DC of Redstone isn't 10k, it's 10k minus the cost of producing that DC - the most significant cost being your pickaxe and it's maintenance. Just to keep the numbers in like with yours, I'm gonna say the cost is 2.5k — that's seems way larger than reality, again this is just to keep it in line with your numbers. So you don't make 10k on a DC of redstone, you make 10k - 2.5k = 7,500 rupees. Now let's say mending is introduced, and the value of a DC of Redstone does go from 10k to 8k. Where did the price drop come from? The cost to the miner. The mending enchantment dropped the cost per DC of maintaining a pick from 2.5k to 500r. The price will go down to match this new dynamic in the market, and everyone can get their stuff for cheaper without hurting the profit of the miner, because 8k - .5k is still 7,500 rupees. That player lusting after some Elytra won't have to sell any more DCs of Redstone, in fact he should be able to move his product quicker because more people can afford it.
    AmusedStew likes this.
  17. We've had the Wastes for two? years now and most of the items I can think of that come from mining have gone up in price rather than down. When I am mining, I come back to Town because my Inventory is full, not because I need to repair equipment. I don't think being able to stay out mining longer is going to allow me to bring more items back to Town. I don't see it as very relevant to the economy in that way.

    What I think Mending will do is allow me to work in one place longer before I have to stop to repair. It also sounds like it will also allow me to avoid the Repair cost increase of using Anvils. I might also be able to start carrying only a Silk pick to mine rather than carrying two and using it for Ores. I see these as things that are going to affect me in a good way but minimally.

    I don't think there is any point in worrying about the enchantment economy either. Not too many people seem to be questioning the role of Villagers in our economy, yet if anything has "ruined" the enchantment economy it has been Villager trading.

    Given the current price of Books, I can put together an Unb3/EffV pick for well under 1000 Rupees and a little XP. I could easily afford to use them up rather than repair them. What I am currently doing is repairing them until the cost gets up to 39 levels then selling or giving the item away and starting with a new one.

    I also haven't visited a mob grinder in weeks. Rather than switching servers, monitoring my entcount, or worrying about whether I have done enough damage to a mob to get credit for XP, I can collect all the items I want in Chests on my Residence in Town then have all the experience I want in a matter of minutes.

    Mending will never even come close to affecting the economy or game play as much as Villagers have. Rather than view it as an economy ruiner, I think we should view it as an incentive to revise our game play strategies as we have with other game changes.
  18. Regarding mending...

    I don't see a need to alter Vanilla. If the main argument is founded on price protection for enchanted gear then I'm doubly against tinkering. We should not alter game rules to protect the income of an entrenched veteran player base. (Of which I consider myself one.)

    Max picks are trivially easy to manufacture...shouldn't something that takes a few minutes to create be cheap?
    M4ster_M1ner, UltiPig and Pab10S like this.