Macros/Keybinds/Autoclickers Survey Community Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. If you can't play minecraft without all these add-ons in a server setting, then why bother to play at all? Seems silly.

    - Andy
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  2. Let me address something really quick, it's how the player decides to play the game. It really bothers me when a player says, "I don't use it so why to have it around in the first place" I made a similar comment on a controversial thread,
    It truly is... You need to see the other side then turn a blind eye before making an opinion on the matter.

    With that out of the way...

    I mod the game for utility use but it's not related to auto clickers because I don't have the necessary "Coding skills" to use them. Of course, they should be monitored for abusing the afk system. The old system did prevent this from 2016.

    As an old Grandpa of mine said, "Why to replace when it works completely fine as is?" Krysyy, not knowing what these mods are capable of doing... (Not being mean but we understand you don't have knowledge) Was related to a ruling of 2016 set where there were a TON of issues related to mods and people were getting banned. (Including myself) for related cheats like auto scripts and financial gain xrays/auroras. Is asking if there is a needed revision of the rule. The only problem with the rules set now is the rate. You said previously in another post where the rate of clicking has adverse effects to clicking over 1 cps.
    For me at least, I was averaging 3.5 cps for 15 minutes where I just had to stop because I really was wasting my time at that point. The current 5 cps is WAYYY too high and where I agree your statement where your hand muscles will cramp up after prolonged use. I believe across the board that the rate of clicks is too high. In all honesty, the auto clickers shouldn't be banned. But, they do need to be monitored like what the 2016 rules held.

    And for good goofs
    607 and FadedMartian like this.