[LONG RANT] I need help

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nltimv, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Just saying, even if that player didn't get it, it would have still either have been auto unclaimed by the res unclaim system or claimed by someone else. The res on the corner of my home, as soon as the player went derelict, the res became unclaimed by the auto system so other players could get it. It's the way it has been for a long time now.

    The derelict system isn't unfair from what I can see. If you're going to be away for a long time, you can PM Krysyy for extended protection. You don't have to pay 1.5m for a derelict voucher, in this case, you could have messaged Krysyy because you had a genuine reason - your PC was broken. I can agree that voting isn't as easy to keep you off derelict as it used to be, as it only gives you 7 days protection instead of 30 days now, but remember that messaging Krysyy for extended protection is something that's been around for a long time too.

    Sorry to hear that you lost out on items though, and the same goes to you nltimv. It's not great, and I know sometimes it's easy to forget a vote or go a bit inactive for a while, but you just have to keep on top of it if you really want to stay, or at least message Krysyy if you have a valid reason.

    I'm glad to see so many people helping out! I hope you guys are still enjoying it here :)
    Nickblockmaster, khixan, 607 and 3 others like this.
  2. 7 days.

    Even so, your point still stands obviously. When I got disconnected I simply voted every day because that would make sure nothing bad happened (and it got me stuff when I got back).
    Patr1cV, 607, FDNY21 and 2 others like this.
  3. Edited.

    There are many benefits to voting, I do it every day. I'll never go derelict and I'll get hundreds of thousands of rupees, with various special items. Makes sense to me.
    607, nltimv and ShelLuser like this.
  4. Awww, that's the worst!

    As khixan already said, I definitely suggest joining the next smp8 public wild utilities build. It's really fun and allows you to meet and interact with a huge part of the community you would never have met otherwise. Not only that but you also get the satisfaction of the day it's done to look around and say "We made this and it is just downright awesome". Doing any public build with them really gets ya in a good mood, even when they coax ask you to hold a mass dragon genocide event!

    I also am working on a future player event for my 1,000th day if you ever want to drop by and help me work on one of the many things I have planned. Coming up with some of the event ideas is actually fun and keeps you engaged

    No matter what you decide, I hope to see you out and about around the Empire Tim :)
    khixan, nltimv and 607 like this.
  5. Some really great ideas from other players.

    My two cents: do a few auctions just to reboot. When I hit a dead end like that and I don't know what to do next, I just do an auction to make a few rupees and give me something to do.

    I like to see what has been selling hot in auctions but has no current active auction going. Usually there is always an iron auction, so I avoid that. But I find things like quartz to be very good usually and if there isn't one going at the moment, I'll hit the nether hard to fill up a double chest for auction.

    I'm sorry about what happened. I know how deflating that would feel, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get your mojo back!
  6. Would you like me to cover the cost of the stuff you lost?
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. I appreciate your kind offer, but no, thank you. I've got everything under control :)
    607 and xHaro_Der like this.
  8. My offer remains if you need it. :)
    nltimv likes this.
  9. I'm not sure if this exists in EMC or if it's been thought of, but there seems to be people that like to mine/craft and make rupees. Others (like me) just like to have a shop just to "provide a service". I don't like to call my business a shop as much as it is a "trading post" because I buy at the same price I sell. I have plenty of rupees, so for me, it's not about profit.

    So the question becomes the supply line. Keeping items in stock is a challenge because I don't do that much mining, farming, etc. Ideally anyone should be able to go about gathering resources and sell to the trading post for the current sell price. This way anyone can contribute and you don't have to keep a shop yourself. You can go on vacation...derelict...but you always have your rupees.

    Of course there's the third type of person, the "small business owner", that likes to do it all themselves and I can respect that.

    nltimv likes this.