[LOCKED] What are your goals in EMC?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tuqueque, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. Status unchanged. Most of you probably never spotted it but I did update that post from time to time :)
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Ooh, this thread seems useful.
    Well, my goals are just to help keep the LLO running in a good shape and maybe someday finish that Daft Punk pixel art I started years ago on my utopia res. :oops:
  3. My goals change but my current goal is to clear out the area where my guardian farm is, going all the way down to bedrock. Once I clear it all out, I'm going to improve the farm a bit... build some other stuff around, maybe a XP grinder or something. Then maybe I'll make it public, not sure yet.

    All that said, my main goal is just to enjoy my time playing the game.
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  4. Hmm my goals, this can be interesting :p

    I don't like listing them but I will write about them because I think that is more meaningful. Ever since I have came back, I have been reshaping my image from a pvp/raider to a well-known, friendly person that has major builds and many can reference to. I still have a far way to go, there have been hiccups along the way. Sometimes my competitive statue gets the best of me or my emotions project more than I want them to. That has been hard for me especially since I haven't had a personal connection with a server before. Many Faction/raid/greif servers you don't have that community connection. Your out there and trying to live and not die from the other players. I realized that I was more of a builder than a heartless fighter. So, I changed my perspective of MC and came back to Empire minecraft to do such things like my Pixel arts, skins, Terrain edits, and Statues. Still, there is a lot more I could do in building wise. As for my attitude, please note that it is in work in progress and I don't mean any harm to you if I sound negative or mean. It sure bothers the hell out of me when I personally don't catch my negativity, it does.

    Ever since I joined Empire Minecraft I loved the concept of Mining in a group. Believe me or not, I have proven that many others enjoy a tight group mining and achieving successful mining trips. I have created a group called "Cyborg Miners" (Because Animatronic Miners would be too mainstream) Currently, there are 16 active members in my group and I love every aspect of my team. So yeah, I think that is a Check off my goals :p

    Empire Minecraft has become my home since my 1 year return. I haven't lost interest since I came back unlike my younger self. One thing bothered me though, I saw my friends become moderators. Two come to mind of this instance Malicaii12 (2011) and HxCami10 (2016). I love them like friends, but questions arise of what have I done to prove myself to become a mod? This relates to my first goal how to improve my attractiveness and attitude. Let me tell you for the last past 4 months I have been pressing for this goal. Who knows, I might be the next person in line for moderator this upcoming summer. I am going to allow the Senior Staff members to decide they need a animatronic like me :p

    I haven't been looking to be large in the economy, but I need funds for the builds that I do. I have plans to build a underground mall four residences large on smp7. I don't know when I will start this but I assure you it will happen in the future. So my goal overall is to keep tasked with builds that will benefit me in the long run. I have been creating large storage res and building a farm outpost in the frontier. So, yes I have been working on achieving this goal too :)

    Those are my goals so far, as always thanks for your time reading :p
  5. Goals:
    1. Give Eviltoade every Promo available.
    2. Gain extreme poorness
    3. Cry more times when I'm out of pickaxes/exp to repair pickaxes
  6. My main goal is to surpass my Sister in rupees :p
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  7. 1. Own bulk of many items.
    2. Host an Event*
    3. Provide cheap items to those who cant afford em**
    4. Live happily with my hubby (refer to smp8 fish marrage)

    *April 10th at 3:00 EMC @ 10813 on smp5
    **when possible
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  8. May Bump!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. June bump
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  10. Get unbanned
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  11. Fill up my third res with dragon heads. Still a long way to go
    Equinox_Boss, 607, Tuqueque and 2 others like this.
  12. My goal is to become very popular hehe :)
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  13. July-August Bump!
    Equinox_Boss, khixan and AyanamiKun like this.
  14. I made this post when I had not been on too terribly long. That was approximately 1 year ago. During the last year I made 2 shops, haunted castle, amusement park, very active in an outpost and probably made 20 mill. It was fun to look at the post and remember how I felt when I made it. Excellent server and great people. Definitely achieved my goals.
  15. lol
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. new year, so y not ^.^

    • Done
    • in progress
    • will always be in progress
    • abandoned
    • not yet done, not planning to make it in the near future

    my goals:
    • find desert temple
    • find nether fortes
    • find ocean temple
    • find end portal
    • get 20 stables ^.^ (u can only get 10 max :confused:)
    • put all my stuff in /vault
    • win skin comp
    • make a shop
    • restock shop (lol!)
    • do empire event
    • build cool house in frontier (need more mats)
    • get more rupees! ^.^
  17. Goals:
    • Torture BT on stage every time I get a chance
    • Nothing else just complete first goal
    Equinox_Boss, ShelLuser, 607 and 7 others like this.
  18. Finish my enchanted books shop under the shadow of TuckerAmbr
    Make bank
    Collect every promo
    Equinox_Boss and God_Of_Gods like this.
    • Get the Eastern Republic off its feet with mba and rock lol.
    • Also to relaunch my smp5 outpost. I spend a lot of time at it though and I like how it looks, I always have an internal conflict of not wanting people to destroy the natural landscape on the island. Plus, I've been busy over the last year and didn't really have time to manage an outpost.
    • Also to finally do the EMC Olympics that I promised way back in 2012. I planned to do it this year but I've, again, been busy with school and personal life stuff, and I likely will for the next year too (college, probably starting a job sometime in the very near future, and again, personal life).
    It's all a work in progress.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  19. who is BT? ^.^ i know bk, but not bt. maybe we can loan him extra powerful armor, lol! ^.^

    lol, just found out! build team, thats gonna be expensive :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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