let's talk about skyrim!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. sidebar...

    how awkward is it when you're talking to pankerjuum or whatever his name is, and he gives you a shout, so you have to be all "oh, let me unlock that with one of the souls of your brethren, pankerjuum...while you...sit there..."
  2. Paarthurnax doesn't mind, he's chill. Best part of the main quest. He pretty much tells you straight up that dragon nature is to be a conquering / enslaving prick to all the "lesser" races and they have it coming anyway.
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. Fallout > Skyrim
    Both great games I just like fallouts overall feel more
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  4. So I picked up the pase a bit again with Skyrim on the PS3 and yeah... I'm still seriously considering to pick this one up next month for the PC. Anyway, here's what you get if you combine Skyrim with a bit of Minecraft:

    click here if the video doesn't play
    battmeghs and Kephras like this.
  5. You can buy skyrim for 5 dollars on steam right now
  6. he is awesome! though his flapping around in the dark and meteor strike while i squinted at the sky and tried not to worry about my horse WAS NOT HELPFUL!

    the fallout/elder scrolls thing... i have no interest in fallout... fantasy > post apocalyptic in my not so humble opinion... it's why bethesda's such an amazing company! they have got open world NAILED in two genres!
    battmeghs and ShelLuser like this.
  7. So if people have me on steam, you would've noticed that I have been playing Skyrim off and on for the past couple of weeks.. My roommate had Skyrim in her steam account and so after a few hours of work with her profile being locked due to family view with a forgotten pin, I setup up Family Share to get access to her copy of the game and have been playing.. (I actually was able to pickup Legendary for $10 yesterday morning via Humble Store's Cyber Monday sale, and I am working on downloading the DLC right now.. xD )
    But so far, I have a few sad moments which have driven my story plot so far.. After being named Thane of Whiterun (I believe it was there..) I began to journey with my Housecarl, Lydia.. During one of the missions in where I needed to fight vampires, Lydia was killed trying to protect me from said vampires. Her dwarven shield and orc sword reside in my house in Whiterun wrapped in the hide of my stupid horse (which is another story).. Many tears were shed when I killed the last vampire and found her dead on the ground.. :oops: ..Now with my horse, that was a completely different incident where I ride my horse nearby where I need to go leave the horse around a mountain and run up. My first horse was extremely loyal and would stay where I left it normally (I just lost the horse that I bought after this because it was prone to wander when I get off and it did not return to stable, it probably became dinner for some hungry wolf or bear..).. Well I left it and ran up the hill to confront some Magicians and an adept mage hit me with a midrange spell so I pull out my bow to snipe it, and my horse comes charging from 50 meters behind me at the mage which hit it with a cone of fire, roasting it.. I know it was only trying to protect me like Lydia did, but its still saddening to say the least, and not for losing the 1,000 coin that the horse cost.. :oops:
    battmeghs and Kephras like this.
  8. *cyber hug* so much empathy! i lost the horse i had...appropriated...

    i redid like three mini missions after i accidentally killed Brynnie (can't ever remember her actual name)... this is why i leave lydia at home all the time!

    sidebar, i came online solely to say...

    THE SOLSTEIM BEASTIES ARE ROCK HARD! yeesh! have died like twenty times fighting ash thingeys, didn't die once becoming a dragonslayer...
    battmeghs likes this.
  9. i am the darkness, but my horse is obviously my giveaway.. unless its snowing, then i'm the sore thumb. :D

    recently achieved getting nightengale status!

    sad sad sad sad thing i found

    and myself, hiding in the corner of a house, waiting for the right moment to strike the victim *hehehe*

    riften looks so darn purrrrrdy :)

  10. Aaah! Duckface Selfie! :eek:
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  11. but those are just my lips! *sad face*
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  12. gave up on solstheim... felt like i was treading water...and hated the lovecraftian monsters... hashtag enough hentai to see where this is going...

    so am starting on the hearthfire stuff! got lydia looking after Lucia in skyrim and me and the missus (Bry, the elf mage from winterhold) are out in the middle of nowhere while i try and work out how to build a house...had a moment when i married her and she was all "i think i'll set up a shop to keep me occupied..." after mission upon mission of her frost beastie saving my proverbial from bandits, reavers, draugrs etc...

    i was all "honey, grab your battleaxe, we're leaving!"
  13. Hmmmm, there seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this screenshot.. o3o
    Galantisizer likes this.
  14. hadvarrrrrrrrrrr!

    i love it though, i feel like there should be "boys are back in town" playing, like that montage in cougar town!
  15. I'm getting Morrowind and Oblivion hopefully for Christmas. Any thoughts on those two games? Good? Bad? Better or worse than skyrim?
    Kephras and Codygraw like this.
  16. Okay, morrowing is better than skyrim technically, but be ready to install mods if you have never played a game that old and outdated. Same with oblivion. Walking around morrowind and cyrodill make it worth its g2a price alone, though that is all I really enjoy about those games. Skyrim is the more "fun" one in my opinion
    Rimont likes this.
  17. Forgot to mention i am getting it for xbox 360. I don't have a computer that could support either.
  18. o=o I wouldn't personally suggest them then, morrowind is a completely different game than skyrim and oblivion feels like a outdated skyrim. Just my opinion I guess though.
    Rimont and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  19. I like oblivion a lot. Just bought it for the black friday sale or whatever. Its a lot greener than skyrim, some worse graphics but a fun storyline all the same. Running and horses are slow imo.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  20. Thank you! I hope I like it, I am hopefully getting the ones with the dlcs in them, so it might be a little better. I will see i guess.