let's talk about skyrim!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Tried to get a shot like that when I went in there, couldn't seem to get a decent angle though. DOF wasn't cooperating.

    And now, a quick chat with our beloved Mad God.

    "Khajiit has a message for you."
    "Rrrreeeeeeaaaaalllllly? What kind of message? A song? A summons? Ooh ooh! A death threat written on the back of an Argonian concubine? Those are my favorite."
    "More like a postcard. 'Wish you were here.' Your subjects want you back."
    "Indeed? And do you - tiny, puny, expendable little mortal - actually think you can convince me to leave? Because that's... crazy! You do realize who you're dealing with here?"
    "A madman with excellent fashion sense?"
    "Jolly good guess! But only half right. I'm a mad god. The Mad God, actually. It's a family title. Gets passed down from me to myself every few thousand years. Now you, you can call me Ann Marie-"
    "Well Ann Marie, Khajiit has delivered his message."
    "Wait wait wait! Y'didn't let me finish! There was a threat there! Eternal torment, suffering, and insanity! Ah, no matter. But if you like your entrails to stay internal, try Sheogorath from now on. Mortals like you have a particular need for keeping their organs on the inside..."

    Ra'Shirr is chill. Psychotic gods don't faze him much these days - they all have their silly demands and trials, most of which amount to "go kill some stuff," and then he can get back to more important things, like keeping the local bandit populations in check.

    EDIT: so apparently my attempts to post the image actually worked, imgur just refused to acknowledge it.

    Faithful flame atronach. She isn't the most durable of summons, but she gets the job done. And the draugr really, really hate her.

    Paying some respects to the Talos shrine east of Whiterun. Suddenly, random wolf!
    I have no idea where the thing came from, but it followed Ra'Shirr all the way back to the city. Completely harmless, but Shirr's more of a cat-person. (/rimshot)

    As a side-note, ever since I saw that "There are FOUR lights!" Picard thing, I keep having the same moment whenever I walk into a temple for the Imperial pantheon.
    "May the Eight Divines bless you!"
    "There are NINE Divines!"
  2. so after updating all of my major mods i felt like starting over again.. and made a cute little wood elf (like always)
    her name is Nilsa.

    i have the alternate start stuff installed and then i realized there was something i'd never seen before on the list.... so i just clicked it, i've arrived at port in Raven Rock and i have never been here... literally, have never used any of my DLC really.. why? no idea, i can't keep a character to save my life so that'll probably be it... buuuuut this place.. i'm in awe, like, holy cow... but look at this epic armor i've got! :D

    607, PenguinDJ, Deadmaster98 and 2 others like this.
  3. I've had Skyrim since it was released in 2011, but it took a while before I decided to stop flying solo and make use of companions. For the most part, they were just pack-horses who helped carry all my junk, but somehow the Solitude housecarl Jordis managed to stand out. I'd given her a Daedric bow to carry, some arrows I didn't plan on using (because inventory clutter), and the next thing I knew she was sniping wolves and bears before I even knew they were there.

    Since then, she's been an integral part of Ra'Shirr's adventures. Whenever I restart, I always make a point of getting the Solitude stuff done as quickly as possible so I can have her along again...

    Ra'Shirr placed the horn at the statue's feet and stepped back. The Dominion could deny Talos all they wished, but they could not rewrite history. He made a swift prayer to the shrine for the rejected god's blessing before turning away. It was time to return to Solitude and give Jarl Elisef the good news.

    The carriage ride back was uneventful. Bjorlam, the driver, filled the trip with one of his usual drinking stories. As with most Nord tales, it involved too much mead and too little sense, but the fact that they'd somehow managed to strap the saddle to the bear before being driven off made it worth listening to. It also explained why he was using a different horse this time. It was late afternoon when they finally arrived in Solitude.

    Ra'Shirr hopped down, stretching the stiffness from his legs, and tossed Bjorlam an extra gold piece for the story. He preferred carriage drivers with a sense of humor - Thaer, the one based here in Solitude, had none. With a quick hand-gesture, he Blinked up the road to the city gates. Behind him, the guards shouted warnings to "watch that magic!" The Khajiit ignored them. Blink was harmless short-range teleportation and no danger to anyone but himself.

    He spent half an hour in the Blue Palace, first relaying his news to Jarl Elisef, then making arrangements with Falk to purchase and furnish the old Proudspire residence. When his business was at last concluded, he stepped out into the evening shadows and breathed in the cool sea air. Thane of Solitude had a pleasant ring to it, and being recognized in two of Skyrim's major Holds certainly wouldn't hurt his reputation. Still, it had been a busy couple of days, and right now he wanted nothing more than to sit in peace and have a decent dinner. Travel rations were edible, but only barely.

    A young Nord woman met him at the door, introducing herself as his appointed housecarl. The Khajiit nodded wordlessly and went to the dining table, sinking heavily into the oak chair.

    "Is everything alright, my Thane?" Jordis asked. "Are you wounded?"

    Ra'Shirr looked down, finally noticing the blood staining his armor. "It belonged to Thalmor, not Khajiit," he said wearily. "Talos and the Dominion still do not agree with each other."

    A thin smile tugged at Jordis' mouth. Clearly, she had no love for the Thalmor's edicts either. "Well if I were an elf I'd stay well clear of the sight of you," she said, "but if you don't wash that out it's liable to stink."

    The Khajiit nodded and began stripping off his pauldrons and shirt absently. "Too much time in tombs with draugr. Khajiit hardly notices anymore."

    Jordis turned, averting her gaze. "Perhaps my Thane would prefer the washroom instead?" she suggested dryly.

    Ra'Shirr stood outside the cave, taking in the fresh morning air. After cleaning his armor (and fur), he and the Swordmaiden had taken Thaer's carriage south into Falkreath. It had been the dead of night when they arrived, but as the Khajiit informed Jordis, this was the best time to hunt bandits. The darkness was excellent cover, and they were less alert than in daylight.

    They'd headed west, following the road until it passed near Cracked Tusk Keep, a decrepit fortress that was host to a crew of Orcs with less-than-savory moral character. Of course, their "character" was now staining the ground from a multitude of arrow wounds. Jordis' heavy armor drew more attention than Ra'Shirr cared for, but by the time the Orcs realized there were two strangers prowling their territory, the arrows lodged in their vital organs made the point moot.

    After cleaning out the fortress, they'd happened upon a small cave being used by some witches' coven. They were even quicker to deal with than the Orcs. Hags didn't wear armor. When Ra'Shirr and Jordis had finished, dawn was breaking over the hills of Falkreath. It was shaping up to be a good day...

    Bilegulch Mine was the next to fall. Only a single guard patrolled the lower palisade, and Ra'Shirr had caught him in the open across the road, chasing after a stray fox. The guard now lay sprawled in the middle of the road, stripped naked with two arrows jutting from his throat. A warning to other would-be highwaymen, for as long as the wolves let his corpse alone.

    Tired of sneaking and feeling useless, Jordis suggested they have a bit of fun with the remaining two bandits. She drew her greatsword and waited for them in the lower courtyard while Ra'Shirr threw a ball of Magelight at the cliffside to get their attention. When they shouted in alarm, the Khajiit Blinked to the top of the cliffside, switching to his sword and shield as he came down the stairs behind them. Confused and trapped, the two bandits were dead in moments.

    Next up: Lost Valley Redoubt

    (I left out Knifepoint Ridge, which was between Cracked Tusk and Glenmoril Coven. Jordis didn't get to have much fun there, though - Ra'Shirr's become an excellent stealth-sniper, at 100 sneak, and all the bandits were dead before they knew it)
  4. And I have never played this game, should I?
  5. after being away from my computer for a week (horrible and sad)
    I played for a little bit before I cleaned my drives and installed a new operating system.. now i'm just waiting for Tuesday and fast internet to redownload all my games.. but have some screenshots :D

    607, Kephras and FDNY21 like this.
  6. SO! an update on my wood elf named Nilsa! :D

    i wanted more wood elf themed stuff in my game because i'm in love with everything wood elf, always have always played them and never feel right playing anything else. i found a mod, that adds this tree house that is.... the most amazing thing i've ever seen... i'll like you to the mod page, and here are some screen shots! :D


    .... the view off the front porch of this place is freaking spectacular... you've got to check it out. its in a tree over a cliff and you can see for miles! mountains and a stream that goes right past your house and along side the chicken area.. you've got some goats and a gazebo outside to the left with working benches and weapon making stuff... to the right of the house there is a beautiful garden ... the entire thing is just amazing. even have a small hut for followers to live! ugh, its so perfect!

    annd here is a selfie with me and this beautiful horsie! (who needs a name.. could be a boy or girl, i haven't chosen yet, it is a tan color with brindle like markings! ready, set, name it!

    607, Kephras and Codygraw like this.
  7. look at this handsome kitty

    607, Kephras and FDNY21 like this.
  8. why is he swearing at everyone
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. how is he swearing?
  10. I think Soul misinterpreted his finger gesture as something rude. ;)
    battmeghs likes this.
  11. well that is what he meant too, but the "swearing" finger gesture isn't what he's doing..
  12. Over here, two fingers up like that is to us what the middle finger is to Americans (we also use the middle finger, though) :p

    I meant it purely in jest, though.
  13. hmm. lol interesting.
    I didn't know that though. xD
  14. anyway, i had downloaded a new blood texture mod and only noticed until today that everything i kill twitches and squirts blood for a minute before it dies O_O alrighty then.

    this start mod sends you off at some random place in skyrim, if gives you a quest to "investigate helgen" which will spark the main quests.. my game started me off at the lady stone and i headed over to half moon mill and chopped some wood for coin and got attacked by bandits, i got an inheritance letter when hert died because i guess she liked me because i chopped wood for her? weird... i knew her for like 10 minutes, i sold wood, she died from bandits. what? oh well..
    a few minutes later i run into a hunter who verbally assaults its prey. right.

    so far this fresh start has had a hell of a start xD
    Kephras likes this.

  15. so, here we are.. at a mod that entirely reworks the western watch tower so that its fully functional and not a tumbling mess of ashes *waiting* for that dragon attack to happen (that never will because i don't think i'll ever start the main quest line) anyway, this mod is awesome, adds the dude to the left of the photo who sells you things, its very nice!
    607 and Kephras like this.
  16. the fallout series is better :p
  17. and I care not about fallout, this is a skyrim thread :p
    FDNY21, 607 and Kephras like this.
  18. Take your blasphemy elsewhere, heathen. :mad:
    FDNY21, battmeghs and PenguinDJ like this.
  19. watevs
    this should be a bethesda thread :)