Just joined, will probably bring in my sons

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bullgrit, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Welcome to the server
    Hope you enjoy it

    If ya need anything just ask ;)
    I'm usually on /smp3
    If not do /p chespinlover77

  2. All alone.. on the second page.. then Chris came.. and he wasn't alone anymore..
    Chespinlover77 and tuqueque like this.
  3. You're bringing in your sons? Nice, you can start a dynasty and overthrow the current ownership. It's happened before, we used to have this cow who could produce delicious frozen treats, then we got this totes cute couple ruling supreme over all.
    boozle628 and Chespinlover77 like this.
  4. Just don't.
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  5. Wasn't trying to be controversial about the controversy because I wasn't even involved in it, just being quirky yo.
    boozle628, Chespinlover77 and FDNY21 like this.
  6. 20,000r per SMP res, and 40,000r for an Utopia res.

    • The base must be at least 5,000 blocks away from all EMC Frontier Outposts
    • Land must not be within 3,000 blocks of any other groups visually established base (doesn't necessarily have to be officially Established). (Unless the other leader gives you approval, and it must be wrote on your thread)
    AmusedStew likes this.
  7. Oh, thanks. I was thinking road edit. ;)
  8. Before the thread dies off, anybody else want to answer his questions?
    ChickenDice and boozle628 like this.
  9. tuqueque likes this.
  10. Thanks for the responses, folks. I haven't finished reading them all yet, and it's after 9:00 pm here, so I'm putting kids and myself to bed. I'll finish reading tomorrow, but I wanted to let you know I appreciate the help.

  11. Welcome to the empire, Bullgrit.

    Message me if you need anything.
  12. Thanks, everyone.

    For the record, I had read through the tutorial and this web site before posting here. I’m just stating this so no one thinks I wasn’t doing my homework, or that I am just dumb/oblivious :)

    Re: Frontier/Wilderness. I did/do understand the Frontier and Wasteland differences/purposes. My confusion was seeing “Wilderness” mentioned in some places. Your explanations here have cleared up this confusion. Thanks.

    Re: Residence and Frontier bases. The reason I asked about this is that without a way to quickly get back and forth from Frontier base to residence, it would seem that using a residence as a base of operations would be very inconvenient. If I’m far out on the Frontier building, I think I wouldn’t be running back to my residence very often, if at all. I wondered if this was true for others, or if I was missing some use/function/command. As it stands, I may not do much with my residence, as I expect I’ll be spending most of my time out in the distant Frontier.

    Re: Establishing a claim. So there isn’t any functional/coded purpose for claiming out in the Frontier. I asked about this because on the previous server I had played on, claiming territory meant other people/clans couldn’t build or destroy blocks in your chunk(s). I wasn’t sure if this was the case with the “ESTABLISHED” tag here. Establishing a claim here is just a “gentleman’s agreement” and getting acknowledgement that you are playing in that area. It doesn’t technically “lock” anything in the code.

    I think I have a grasp of the way things work here, now. Thank you all very much for the explanations and the welcomes. I look forward to getting a long play time soon so I can really explore the Frontier and maybe find me a place to start building.

    One more thing: When I played on the other server, I liked to mark places I had been by staking a sign in the ground saying, “BULLGRIT WAS HERE.” Usually at someone’s base I had found or just somewhere interesting that I thought others might pass. It was a fun, minor way of connecting with the other players. Would this be OK here, or would it be considered griefing? I have NO desire or intention to grief or annoy anyone here. But I do like to explore and see what other people are building.

  13. Welcome to EMC! It's always great to see people with their families and friends here on EMC :)
  14. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
    BTW, there are other player shops known as malls to get items cheaper than the /shop.
    Some malls like mine also buy items.
    Feel free to pay a visit.
    /server smp1
    /v 2000
  15. Welcome to EMC!!! Lots to learn, this will be a great place for you and your boys. This is the longest I ever stayed on a
    one server day 23 love it! :confused:
  16. Some may consider it griefing, but as far as just adding a sign at someones base saying you were here is not IMO. I see it all the time at the bases I go out to. I would ask staff or contribution team, they know alot more than me.

    Enjoy your stay!
  17. Welcome to EMC Bullgrit! Woop woop! SMP4! :D I'll see you and your sons around sometime!
  18. Welcome to the server :)