Join the Suited Animal Movement (SAM)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TechFilmer, Oct 6, 2014.


Will You Join?

Yes! 57 vote(s) 57.0%
No. 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Maybe :3 32 vote(s) 32.0%
  1. It is like a disease...
  2. Because EMC has class, that's why.
  3. Screw formal attire, AstroSloth is coming out of retirement.
    avatars-000032808899-2t17q4-crop.jpg avatars-000032808899-2t17q4-crop.jpg avatars-000032808899-2t17q4-crop.jpg avatars-000032808899-2t17q4-crop.jpg
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  4. Could not find a reindeer one...
    So stuck with deer :3
    607 and Mirr0rr like this.
  5. I've made a list of which SAM's are taken, to avoid any confusion and duplication:
    Part 1:

    TechFilmer - Polar Bear

    Marshmallow369 - Great White Shark

    BabyCreepersRule - Pigeon

    samsimx - Hammerhead Shark

    Dj__Krazy - Barn Owl

    Mirr0rr - Sloth

    mman2832 - Panda

    princebee - Doge

    deathconn - Koala

    Olaf_C - Lion

    PenguinDJ - Penguin

    PlayTehMinecraft - Bluejay

    Ultimamaxx - Pig

    ItsMeMatheus - Duck

    Uber_Corq - Raccoon

    Luckygreenbird - Budgie

    krysyyjane9191 - Dragon

    Sir_Reginald_ - Moose

    eklektoi - Cat

    kuraudochuu - Fox

    Ah, that took a long time! (Thank goodness for my useless knowledge of animal breeds!)
    Hope that helped, and if I missed anyone out, let me know. :)
    I'll add any new people when they join the SAM.
    (Only 20 images are allowed on a post at one time, so I'll post this in a few parts)
    PenguinDJ, Scorpio528, 607 and 3 others like this.
  6. Part 2:

    Mr_Zulus - Tasmanian Devil

    Sunny_Chicken - Rooster

    Leopard_Knight - Quail

    Luneyia - Cheetah

    itspeachy - Eagle Owl

    Deadmaster98 - Bear

    Luckypat - Black Bear

    weeh666 - Minion

    Rundercaster - Wolf

    Monster_ - Badger

    ewils - Cat

    RainbowChin - Octodad

    Gabrielrocks69 - Sheep

    tuqueque - Lizard/Dinosaur

    AwesomeBuilder33 - Otter

    Andrewmoose - Kangaroo

    karatekick2001 - Gold Eagle

    Scorpio528 - Red Squirrel

    Qwerty189 - Giraffe

    Aikar - Chimpanzee

    Scorpio528, 607, Mr_ZulusAlt and 2 others like this.
  7. Part 3:

    billbob352 - Octopus

    penfoldex - Space Sloth

    Reindeer_ - Deer

    just_five_fun - Kermit

    technologygeek - Llama

    SkyDragonv8 - Bat

    Gadget_AD - Deer

    Dwight5273 - Leopard (or tiger?)

    SoulPunisher - Axolotl

    TechNinja_42 - Pug (You're the best)

    Rainbowpony1000 - Donkey

    colepuncher - Beagle

    roblikescake - Chimp

    8comimi - Squirrel

    Mirr0rr, hope all that helps to make the banners too :)
    Scorpio528, 607, Mr_ZulusAlt and 2 others like this.
  8. How about this...ahhhhh sure...rofl
  9. I've just spent a while making a skin to match my suited pigeon :)
  10. Thought I would join in my new avatar come from this site Here
  11. Smiling here - brings back memories of the NES :)
    samsimx, B4DMAN5IMON and hashhog3000 like this.
  12. llama.jpg

    Llama. Nuff Said
    tuqueque, Mirr0rr, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  13. Yes, what great animal knowledge you have...


    Nah, but seriously, thanks for the awesome list; it really puts some perspective on how many people have joined. :)
  14. =D I have now joined :)
    Mirr0rr and weeh666 like this.
  15. You found my suit =)
    Qwerty189 and hashhog3000 like this.
  16. I would participate, but you don't even want to see what comes up when you search "Turtles in suits" xD
    Mirr0rr and Deadmaster98 like this.
  17. I kinda do want to now.... :3
    Mirr0rr, 607 and sambish20 like this.
  18. That's the same profile picture as AwesomeBuilder33 (check in the list I made) :)
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  19. Found one that may SUIT you.