Join the Suited Animal Movement (SAM)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TechFilmer, Oct 6, 2014.


Will You Join?

Yes! 57 vote(s) 57.0%
No. 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Maybe :3 32 vote(s) 32.0%
  1. Anyone have the bald eagle yet?
    I have no idea how to put pictures in replies, so here's the link :p
    The eagle's like the 6th one down :)
  2. I believe someone does. Check the other pages of the thread to find out;).
  3. I hope mine wasn't taken...
  4. Olaf_C has it...
  5. I need to make them banners quick, so anyone does not have to deal with figuring out which is taken...
  6. I think mine is okay now...
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  7. It is...
  8. mines good put mine in the banner
  9. Couldn't find anyone with it on this thread, if you do, comment or something? Mebbe.

    EDIT: I found 2 bald eagles, so if someone has one of them, I'll change my eagle to the other one. For now, I'll do the one I likez best :)
  10. aha I forgot....
  11. Sounds good;)
  12. Squaw, Squaw! Is that an eagle I see? No! It's a karate-chopping eagle!
  13. *15
    Tuqueque and Mirr0rr like this.
  14. Figures page 6 someone has the one I was looking at!
    Tuqueque, mba2012, PenguinDJ and 7 others like this.
  15. Did I do it?
    607 likes this.
  16. Since I dont have permission to comment on your wall, gg

    If I missed following and saying gg to anyone who changed their avatar to a suit in an animal, tell me and I will xD
  17. Why has this actually become a thing now...
  18. It is like a disease...
  19. Because EMC has class, that's why.
  20. Screw formal attire, AstroSloth is coming out of retirement.
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    Mirr0rr likes this.