It's Here! New Tutorial for the Empire!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Take 7 screenshots, upload them, pm them to you... man... such effort required :p
  2. Will all the servers be updated at once?
    607 likes this.
  3. I helped build much of tutorial, including most of its easter eggs, prepare to face a challenge in finding them all! :p
    607 likes this.
  4. so do we message krysyyjane via game or on here?
  5. On the forums in a private convo.
    607 likes this.
  6. Gimme da 10 k
    I'm ready
  7. pm me a private convo with the pics
  8. These are hidden way harder than I anticipated... I likely won't find them, let alone first. Amazing job on the building, though; this is absolutely fantastic!
    kissthenerd and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  9. xD go figure i only find the last egg but not any others XD
  10. Checked out the new tutorial, very awesome looking. I like it a lot.. Great job to all who made it happen...very cool.
  11. I happen to be marching at a football and tonight as well. 22-7... >:) and it's only second quarter

    Wish I could be there :( shoulda brought my laptop...
  12. Qwerty189 has won the challenge. Per request, they will not share all locations for a day or so.
  13. Whenever I exit the tutorial it tells me I don't have a res. It is very misleading and it scared me a bit. That might be a good thing to fix.
    607 likes this.
  14. Aikar made a mention about that and it should be getting fixed =)
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  15. The servers just restarted for it seems :)
  16. the no res thing was a request in the suggestion forum to warn people who lost their res to derelict, and i was working on logic for "enter town and dont have a residence" to auto claim for new players, and figured id put the message in for non new players since it was requested.

    However, the code that checks res count == 0 was done in the part for new players only, and forgot to also run the check for old players.... so it was simply sending that message to every >5day old player incorrectly.

    added the count = 0 check for the old players too.

    we also improved RTS sign code for handling teleports to ensure they dont spawn you in the blocks.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  17. Found a Sign while looking .. Hahaha to funny .. got my hopes up :p
  18. Ples tell me Eggye 4 and 6 I need the extra stuffs wish I got the ten thousand tho
    Spent 30 min on the fourth egg and encountered a very trolling sign.... Aikar I blame you for possibly making four the hardest
    And seven is probably easier than 1 in my opinion, hint 1 is
    behind the purple clay pillar at the start of /tutorial
  19. lol still looking for 4 also ... i cant stop looking lol :p
  20. I had like no part of the entire Tutorial... Only real thing I did was adjust some hologram positions and add the technical parts for managing the book/rewards/exit portals :p

    So, blame krysyy and build team!

    I'm really making good effort to delegate non technical tasks, and really thankful to Krysyy for really taking ownership of the non technical things!