It's Here! New Tutorial for the Empire!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Should I make a thread of all the button locations?
  2. Only if you put in spoiler buttons so forum lurkers don't have things ruined for them.
    607 likes this.
  3. I didn't get a 50-page book at the end; did I miss something? :O
  4. Of course...
  5. You aren't a guest member =)
    The /promo will be updated with the new book for everyone to claim as soon as Aikar gets a chance.
  6. I need to know how to do spoilers because I'm aching to talk about the easter eggs I found.
  7. Ah, okay, cool.

    Also, (and I know I'll probably be muted from the forums for being so persnickety) I've gone through the new tutorial, reading the signs, and I've compiled a list of errors/things you might want to fix, as I like to think this is helping in some way. Here we go:

    - Very first room, floating text: "truely" is a misspelling of "truly"
    - In the room designed like the Town spawn, the Wastelands portals say "Wilderness" instead of "Wastelands"
    - In the same room, on the lapis wall, one of the bottom signs: "th" instead of "the"
    - Next sign after that: "opening" should be "open", grammatically
    - In the big open Frontier area, on the gold wall at the start, sign on the bottom: "arguements" is a misspelling of "arguments"
    - The double-sign on the path right after that: the text is split into two sentences, when it should really just be separated by a comma
    - Same issue on the first sign on the small gold wall about the Live-Map, shortly after
    - This one's quite picky, but in the Mumble/Forum/Events room, on the gold wall: "minecraft" should really have a capital 'M', as it's a proper noun

    The rest are all in the EMC Training Building at the end
    - Shops & Currencies section, Tokens, top-middle sign: "they" should be "they're", and it will fit, as it would make that line 15 characters long, the max for a line on a sign
    - Next to that, on the Rupees wall, top-middle sign: "then" is a misspelling of "them"
    - SMP Servers board: "it's" should be "its" (there's always gotta be one of these)
    - (Super optional) Vault commands pillar: I personally think it should say "Cost is 10r for 5 mins" instead of "Cost is 10r per 5 mins", just because "per" sort of implies some kind of ongoing payments or something, whereas "for" is more straightforward in saying that 10r gives you 5 minutes
    - General Use commands: Most signs say "Brings up" or "Lists" (singular, in the active present tense) but /ps, /mail get ###, /rupees, and /stable store say things like "Bring up", which gives a sense of inconsistency
    - Empire Features, Groups and Bonuses: "wioth" is a misspelling of "with"
    - Empire Features, Feature Signs: "all sort of things" should be "all sorts of things"
    - Same wall, 3 signs over: "editted" is a misspelling of "edited"

    I didn't even look into all the bonus/secret stuff; this is just the main path stuff.

    Please don't get annoyed at me for this, anyone; I just want to help. Someone's gotta be that guy. :)
    PenguinDJ, 607, Faithcaster and 5 others like this.
  8. The 'truly'(truely) thing was, truly, the first thing I read on the new tut. Hahah.
  9. Haha. I was that guy about two hours ago when I got online.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  10. I have to say...
    Great job everyone who worked on this, well done.

    Also, where is Momentus?
    hashhog3000 and nick_godoy like this.
  11. Am I the only one that found this pretty average?
  12. He's hiding in the corner.
  13. The tutorial looks super awesome, krysyy and the Build Team! Thanks! :D
    I'm searching for the infamous fourth Easter Egg at the moment. :p
  14. 'Very good job' doesn't express even 10% of work You did :) *speechless*
  15. Yep.
    AlexChance likes this.
  16. I sent multiple people through to catch these issues lol. I will fix them today and have it ready for a reboot update.

    I take full responsibility because I placed all the signs, but you can blame the others for not catching the mistakes =)
    B4DMAN5IMON, 607, weeh666 and 2 others like this.
  17. I think I just found a secret room with Resiks and Dragons Tombs with a hidden language message and I found a lewd sign in the room as well... :rolleyes:
  18. I just went through the tutorial, and I got to say the build team did a great job. What I liked a lot was the wastelands section!
    I was listening to this music while I was exploring the tutorial::D
    What I have learned from going through this is that I have a habit of making my builds overly done. I also saw limited uses of irregularly-shaped blocks, like fences, stairs and slabs. I see other build teams use these blocks a lot to implement more depth info their builds. But sometimes it can get messy, especially with the medieval ones.

    Finally, I want to thank the EMC build team and/or staff for providing info about extras, like the forums and the Mumble software. I hope more people will be using the forums which will help me and many others!!

    "Let the power to create be with you!"
  19. The tutorial is so grand and so cool! I love the giant mine with the tunnels, the facade buildings to look like Town reses, the fact that there's a massive globe just as an extra! When krysyyjane9191 said the previous tutorial didn't count as a proper one, I really didn't get what she meant, because I thought it was quite cool, with all the rooms depicting chat noise, x-ray texture packs, etc., but this new one - this is like a whole adventure map! You know, like the really well-designed ones, by hypixel or someone. In fact, the build team should really make adventure maps; they seem cut out for it. That could even be a special EMC game, as in not a publicly released map, but an exclusive map you can tp to from Town or something. I don't know, they probably have other work to do; just a thought. Anyway, you guys did a fantastic job, and I'm more excited than ever to see what comes next!
  20. Hey guys, did you know rule 3 and 4 are identical on the site? :D