Is it okay to build and use afk fish farms?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Digition, Feb 24, 2018.


Is it okay to build and use afk fish farms similar to ones used on Hermitcraft serer?

Yeah, they are quite useful 9 vote(s) 75.0%
No, they are overpowered 3 vote(s) 25.0%
  1. Is it okay to build and use afk fish farms similar to ones used on Hermitcraft serer?
    I'm asking this because they are extremely useful, but can be viewed as overpowered.
    I've built one on smp4 and am unsure if it would be a completely right thing to use it without permission.
    What do you think?
    607 likes this.
  2. I would say no because you would be using something that is not you to right click. Kinda like leaving someone at a mob farm with a mod to left click while you take a nap. Big no no. But then again I am not a mod.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. You can use you Caps lock key as an "Auto" right clicker. No mods required
    Digition likes this.
  4. So I could autoclick at like a pigman farm all night long? Please tell me how to do this.
  5. The afk rule is that you can’t be literally be afk. If staff sends you a whisper, you need to be available to answer. You can use the machine and be doing something else on your computer, but you can’t let it run and leave your desk.
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  6. Technically you can, but it is against the rules to do so.

    Per rules/wiki page:
    You are allowed to build and use the farms as long as you are sitting at your computer and able to respond if a staff member were to private message you.
  7. That's what I thought and just for the record I would never ever do that. Ever. Period.
    BreezyMan and We3_MPO like this.
  8. How do you use cap lock
  9. You have to set a key binding and use a weight to hold it down while you are using the afk machine.

    What I like to do is set the key binding, use my speaker to hold it down, and watch TV for an hour or two while it's fishing away. At least the TV is above the computer so really i'm watching two things at once.
  10. I agree with these. According to (the most accurate source of information for almost any of the EMC rules), using auto-clickers is legal, as long as:
    • you are not AFK while doing so.
    • it does not exceed "normal play ability". Kill Auras, fast-clicking, etc. are NOT normal play ability.
    • you are aware.
    • you are able to respond to staff and Minecraft at all times.
    Therefore, an AFK-fishing machine is NOT legal on EMC.
  11. Unless you leave the tab open and do like home work or something else, just sit right where your PC is
  12. Oh,

    Oh, alright, got it!
  13. So, this method is explained in xisumavoid video tutorial on the thing. You basically change your controls in controll settings from right click to some letter on keyboard, then hold it while in position, then press f11 and let go. Boom! You're are now using an afk fish farm.
    607 likes this.
  14. General guidelines:

    You are allowed to use an AFK-fish farm, or some other type of mining/clicking farm as long as you aren't afk. You can just set it on your laptop / other screen / other tab and make sure sound isn't off, so you can hear staff PM'ing you, and go do something else. I usually have things on while learning / watching youtube / brousing the forums / designing in singleplayer. If you have an alt, you can even play at the same time. as long as you respond (within 5 min I beleve) to a staff member.

    You can click, but not a night long. (as I explained above)

    That method is indeed totally legal: even using the macro mod is legal, as long as you aren't clicking faster as humenly posseble.
    We3_MPO, 607, Digition and 1 other person like this.
  15. I don't know about the specifics of this particular farm, but in general, like some others said, keeping a button pressed down while you're still at or near your computer is perfectly allowed, as long as you're able to respond to a PM from a staff member, and do go above normal playing capabilities. :)
    We3_MPO, 607 and Digition like this.
  16. yup everyone answered this, autoclickers are allowed or redstone machines that enable auto clicking. as long as it doesnt exceed normal human clicking speeds and if you are messaged you respond swiftly
    We3_MPO likes this.
  17. Okay, a new question:
    Is it okay to make a community version of this "afk" fish farm people on the frontier with several modules connected to a single huge storage system?
  18. I cannot see why it wouldn't be.
    Digition and 607 like this.
  19. Are we supposed to give our opinion in the poll? I'm not quite sure.
  20. Found this old thread by chance, and noticed that there has not been a staff response :eek: I know it's a month old, but I just wanted to add this in case anyone else found the thread as well.

    But basically yeah, what others have said is true. As long as you can respond to a staff member if they send you a pm in-game, you're fine. We don't want anyone on EMC to get arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome from fishing, so we allow the use of auto-clickers, in whatever form you choose ;)

    The only limitation is as others stated - if you use a mod to add auto-clicking (macro mod, for example), then you can't make yourself click any faster than you could without the mod.