[IMPORTANT] Empire Update: Silence Of The Lambs!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. that and commercial
    i am really looking foward to it
  2. Great update to stop lag.

    Well 911 is screwed.
  3. Ok cool I am so glad that the Ghast swarms are a minor hicup and not intentional. Though getting 10 ghast tears in about 20 minutes was nice...the getting set on fire 5 times wasn't. Died once and nearly died trying to retrieve my stuff...:eek:
  4. It seems I late to the party.
    Nice updates by EMC Team as usual! :)
  5. so now we are limated to so many blocks to build :(
  6. What do you mean? There's no limit on how many blocks you can use.
  7. Placed Blocks are neither Entities or considered items. If you went around your residence throwing 200 stacks of items... Until they despawn, you won't be able to throw any more
  8. Hate it!
    Swamp_Lion likes this.
  9. I hate it when people use pronouns without a specific antecedent, I also hate Lag.
    Bu11dawg and margaritte like this.
  10. This comepletly ruins my ender farm. Used to get 100 endermen in like 5 min now i get 10 in 5min. My main thing to do on EMC is now gone:(. Back to farming my animals. Oh well, ill just have to make a new one and make more
  11. This shouldn't have altered the spawn rates at all, just limited it to 200 in the "area"
  12. ya I don't see how this change will hurt your ender farm. It will probably make it better cause the things will spawn faster now...just like those insane groups of ghasts I am dealing with right now...on the up side I almost have a stack of tears... :cool:
  13. I can never get their Ghast Tears, because I always kill them over Lava... :(
  14. ya I have gotten a few that fell into lava, but I have surrounded the base of the fortress with netherrack so that both helps and hurts. With how much and fast they spawn they are all over the place so getting them over the netherrack and not lava isn't too hard...just painful at times.
  15. This sounds great in town!

    In the wild though, not so much. So if my 4 level slime farm that took like 24+ hours of solid work to build no longer will work and the response to that is simply "we ask that you please adjust your grinder to accommodate it as it is not fair to other users to have a laggy EMC due to too many mobs loaded" when my slime farm can only produce at like the maximum 1-20 entities at a time, so how is that effecting lag for the rest of the server? Not entirely sure if this update will make the farm broken, but it very well could with the 80m instant respawn distance.

    I understand the intent on preventing lag on the server (which tbh, seems like in the last few months the low volume of people on each smp should be doing that already), but isn't there any way to more specifically target the cause of the lag then to put limitations on everyones farms that have little to no effect on the mob cap?

    Also, just to be clear, there is NO way that the this new update will just erase mobs out of farms when other mobs spawn in the vicinity such as nearby dark caves? Wouldnt really be a concern except money spent eggify in the wild and moving mobs around to make your farm would be lost.
  16. I apologize to all on smp8 for my mega sheep farm, i was unaware that it was affecting the whole server, i just thought the lag was on my res. 1k sheep is too many though.... Regardless I will miss my babies :'(
  17. Is this new distance to be measured in a cuboid around the player or a sphere around the player. I mean, if I'm on level 64, can mobs spawn on top of me, on level 129 and up? Also If I'm on (0,0) can mobs spawn on my same level on ( 65/sqrt(2), 65/sqrt(2) )?
  18. All these ghast pictures are scaring the heck out of me!
    Maxarias and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. Lolz