If you were voting in the U.S. election today....

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Sep 5, 2012.


Who would you vote for?

Barack Obama / Democratic Party 37 vote(s) 44.0%
Mitt Romney / Republican Party 34 vote(s) 40.5%
Gary Johnson / Libertarian Party 4 vote(s) 4.8%
Other 9 vote(s) 10.7%
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  1. I wish i could do some research to respond to this in a better way, but unfortunately i have AP Calc homework:( When i can, i will be back posting my views though!
  2. When I read what you've written here you are stating that Romney supporters aren't saying they they support Romney, they are simply saying why they don't like Obama. Obama supporters are doing the same thing but you want them to state why they support him. It should work both ways. I've done a good job of "fact checking" the reasons people have said they want to vote for Romney and even when faced with this information they choose to still vote for him... so I'm still waiting for some valid reasons and I've given some example ones.

    I've also done a good job of pointing out Obama's successes while President. I mentioned, I think 8 of them earlier and then I posted a link where someone reported on the top 50 of his successes.

    Regardless, you can't simply be FOR Obama without there being some feelings of being AGAINST Romney and vice versa... some call this the "lesser of two evils". I'm an Independent, which really just means I don't completely side with any one party completely... I'm honestly surprised that not everyone is an Independent.

    I do like the Green Party platform though, many parts of it:

    But back to Obama. It's not just about him, it's about the party he represents. Look at the Democratic party platform @ http://www.democrats.org/democratic-national-platform and compare that with the Republican platform @ http://www.gop.com/2012-republican-platform_home/

    Honestly, one of those is delusional. Do you honestly read the Republican platform and believe they WANT to do what they say, not even going to get into whether it's even possible or whether it'd be good? "Reforming Government to Serve the People" and yet their stances on the issues does the following for the People:

    1) They want to take health decisions away from women
    2) They paint poor people as freeloaders who suck at the government tit and don't do anything for themselves
    3) They are still [edited: please refrain from bringing it to a personal insult level] , stating that marriage... which is a legal contract... is only for straight people. It's a legal contract, it's not religious. There is no reason that gay couples should not be able to get married... except that Republicans are [edited: please refrain from bringing it to a personal insult level] .
    4) They lie and mislead you. You really think a party that wants to "serve the people" would openly lie to you just because it's what they think you want to hear?

    But I digress... just read the platforms, hopefully realizing that is simply what they say they hope to aspire to, not promises they are making. Look at the men who you can vote for and choose the one you trust the most.
  3. Eew, politics.

    ...I vote for Narnia.
    Happyshopper and SparerToaster like this.
  4. I wish I could like more then once.
    DeadSkaia likes this.
  5. Well we do have a huge mortgage rate. And a lot of groceries since I have 8 brothers and sisters.
  6. No offense, but you come off as a radical. And you are wrong, marriage is a religious term. The government calls their court contracts "marriage", because if people see "civil union" they freak out and say "So im not married?!" Its purely about equality BS. If they had government "made" civil unions, like they really are, people will be like "Well he gets paid more than me because he has a true marriage!" I, and most other Republicans i know, support Civil Unions for any and everyone, but the Democrats start pouring their manure all over it by stating its an "inequality." You say that Republicans are blocking everything, and ruining health care, yet its the Democrats that are! If the HC law gets repealed, its the Democrats fault. If they had used their heads, they would have made it into small packages of related laws. Then only the law packs that werent liked would be repealed. But the Democrats put it into a big pack to make the Republicans look bad for being against it. I, as a Republican, am fine with some of the HC laws. But not all. Like the fact that now men and women pay the same rate. HELLO?! Women cost more medically, so thats why they pay more! Why do teen males pay more for car insurance? Because statistically they get in more car trouble. So its COMMON SENSE that they pay more. Why did it cost more for women to get health insurance? Because they COST more then men. Also, why should health insurance providers pay for contraception? If the women doesnt want to get pregnant, buy your own dang contraception! If a male buys his form of protection, he has to pay, so women should too. Or, he should be able to write off the purchases to his insurance company. Also, this Dreamer BS? If you came into our country illegally, how do we know you wont break more laws? Of course there are good people who come in illegally, but they can attempt to obtain legal citizenship if they are truly a good person. I probably sound terrible, throwing punches at illegals and women, but im just pointing out that the Democrat fairytale of equality, is not even close to what they make you think it is.
  7. trust me, you aren't offending me by that statement.

    have you read the DREAM Act? because it's about the children and the children didn't come into this country illegally, they were born in this country. They haven't broken any laws so there's no reason to suspect they will in the future any more than I'd suspect that you are going to break laws.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. If you find it, listen to Al Franken's interview where he says that if Obama gets re-elected... and they maintain the majority in the Senate... and if we can take the majority in the House.... WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER!

    that's his sense of humor, setting it up like that but the point is that he understands that Republicans and Democrats have to work together and the whole number game of who has the most doesn't matter as much as working together does.

    Al Franken RULES!
  10. Vermin Supreme 2012
  11. I'm withdrawing my vote. I'm going Cthulhu. Why vote for a lesser evil?

  12. Well, i was listening to the DNC earlier, and i quote this, " the republicans call then illegal aliens, we call them dreamers!!", they never specified age or if they were born here. If you have an article with info that proves me wrong, consider that statement null:)
  13. so what did everyone think of the DNC? Michelle Obama's speech, Lilly Ledbetter's speech, Sandra Fluke, Joe Biden, the President himself...

    pretty moving stuff. I just don't see the same kind of negative reaction occurring as I did after the RNC.
  14. One of the annoying things about politics is the entire fact that the founding fathers were totally against any type of partisanship all together. George Washington stated in his farewell address:
    As such, political parties would not work towards the greater good of the nation but would pit it out against each other to make an end to their own means, not the job which they were voted for to better the nation, but to make their own ideals supreme.. All of the candidates have short comings and pitfalls, and it seems that many have forgotten that the current president has, in his first term, basically tried to defecate on the Bill of Rights by passing bills and measures that would allow Americans to be arrest and held without charges as Terrorists for disruptions in Government Facilities, as well as saying that freedom of speech and press has no merit in the 21st century by trying to support measure such as SOPA, PIPA and ACTA (Although he pulled partial support from it later on). Also making it an arrestable offense to not have health insurance.. How can people forget these things?

    I don't support the Republican Candidate either merely because he glorified the federal defunding of Planned Parenthood, on the sole basis that they provide abortion services. On top of all of the Homophobic remarks that he has been attributed to making. Planned Parenthood helped me find prenatal care while I was pregnant with my daughter, they let me know that abortion and adoption were options but they didn't cram it down my throat like many claim that they do. Hell, the planned parenthood office in town cannot even do abortions and they have to be sent out of town to a different clinic because religious fanatics in town vandalized and forced the abortion clinic in town to be shutdown because it was about 4 blocks from a church/school combo..

    If you need to know, I am a member of the Green Party, but I vote for whom I think is suited for the job, regardless of political party. I understand that green party candidates never get elected but people are ignorant and think that if they vote for a 3rd party candidate that their vote wont count, but if enough people realised that there are other parties and if enough people would forgo their ignorance in political parties we wont be trapped between 2 extremely contrasting people that we both hate. I don't mean to insult people by stating the obvious, but there are more than 2 demons out there to vote for.. :eek:

    {end rant}
  15. When o bama says "investing money" i hear "losing money"
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. When people say, "Politics", I say, "Oh god, no".
    jkjkjk182 and HylianNinja like this.
  17. When I hear people spew short quips instead of meaningful comments backed by evidence and facts I say "why bother?"
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