If you were voting in the U.S. election today....

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Sep 5, 2012.


Who would you vote for?

Barack Obama / Democratic Party 37 vote(s) 44.0%
Mitt Romney / Republican Party 34 vote(s) 40.5%
Gary Johnson / Libertarian Party 4 vote(s) 4.8%
Other 9 vote(s) 10.7%
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  1. Umm you don't want me to get started on Obama and the Dems. I tried to watch the DMC last night and wanted to puke. I will say I want to vote for Romney because I feel like Obama failed the United States. Over promised and under delivered. Other than that, he's just a con. He doesn't respect our troops, the troops hate him (if not all, some). He's just a terrible leader. Annd that's all I'm gonna say...haha

    Edit: Did you know he's trying to keep the troops votes from counting?
    jkjkjk182 and t6ler like this.
  2. ''In the end, that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?''-obama
    I would be voting for hope, also known as Mitt.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. yes, i do want to get you started. what about Obama makes him a con?

    Can you provide evidence of this?
  4. I would say Clint Eastwood for President and the chair for VP

    A. Because its Clint
    B. better than the two running
    C. The chair would take a stand o

    Anyways I'm loving most of everyone's comments on the election
    SunnyDayz100 and Terminator908 like this.
  5. I am aware that it will never happen, the United States is to infused in Political Parties to ever go away from them... The 3rd Party Candidates, aren't on the ballot even in most states.

    It's not that my vote will be wasted, I will vote for whoever I want, regardless of if it will matter.
  6. This is what bothers me the most with politics. So many people "Follow their parents/family". They don't know why they vote one or the other, they just go with what their family votes..

    This is a huge problem though. People need to do their own research on every subject and make their own decisions, even if it upsets your family.

    my political views are vastly different than the majority of my family, and my uncle even unfriended me on Facebook due to my views lol...

    But that isn't going to change my views. I do my own research, and I believe my family members are wrong. It's not your job to please your family politically, it's your job to improve the country.

    Please show examples and facts? Also note it has been an unfair 2 years for Obama. He got quite a bit done in the first 2 years, but we had the last 2 years purely with a congress that's entire goal was to fail Obama instead of improving the country.

    Remember now, it wasn't Obama that got our Credit Rating demoted, it was congress (read up on the facts of the reasoning for the demotion. It clearly says due to congress).

    Congress is the biggest thing that needs to be changed in this election.
  7. Well damn I just got told. haha

    Snopes is the top of the line fact checker and I guess if they say it's false I guess it's false. Either way, I don't like Obama and no one is gonna change my vote/mind. Sounds ignorant but...
  8. I should probably just edit my previous post but this is a new thought so I'm not going to....

    I operate on a sort of "gut check" on first listen to any claims that get made. I trust my gut to tell me the likelihood that any statement is true or false. So for example, when someone tells me that Obama is seeking to stop military members from voting then my gut tells me that's false, without any actual fact checking occurring. My gut tells me this because I already know how hard the Obama campaign has worked to register new voters, to stop States from putting in Voter ID laws that make it harder for poor people to vote, and I know Obama supports the military just like every President since our country was founded... so for him to target one group in one state and try and stop them from voting just seems phony to me. Then lo and behold, a simple google search brings up a ton of sources pointing out what a load of horse poop that story really is.

    In contrast, when Romney announces to a large public audience that he supports abortion in the cases where a woman is a victim of rape, incest, and when her life is in danger then that seems like a rather reasonable position to take my gut tells me that something isn't right because the Republicans have always said that abortion should be illegal period because they are pro-life as long as they are still in the womb (once they are out of the womb then all bets are off).... so lo and behold I do a couple google searches and BAM! i find a report that Romney "misspoke" when speaking to that audience: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2926016/posts

    I guess what I'm saying is that you should just trust your gut a little bit... and when your gut fails you, do some fact checking for yourself. Like if you're gut tells you that you can trust Romney because he seems like a likeable kinda guy... might want to do some fact checking. If your gut is telling you that Obama is the antichrist and is out to become the dictator and has completely ruined America... might want to do some fact checking.
    nmanley and topdawg657 like this.
  9. I think that the way that Obama looks like he's "failed" in his term is proof of how pragmatism doesn't work in politics and how you have to be slightly extreme to get anywhere, which is pretty sad, in my opinion.

    I read a book about that, which seemed to agree with you on the "gut trusting" matter.
  10. Lol, sgx, My sister says that she might have lost a bit of respect for you but I kinda have gained a bit more respect for you. ;) She hates all Dems and liberals but I told her that there are some people who are moderate.

    Tbh, my gut does work like that too but I seem to always fail on research and political debates such as this. haha

    I've never been a good researcher. :confused: It's weird with politics because who's to say one source of the same article is right and the other isn't?
  11. i dont' know much about politics ... but couldn't the usa have like just a group of people do all the decision making and like vote ... instead of there being a president?
  12. No. That's the great thing about America is that we vote for ourselves. There is a group of people that do the decision making and that's called Congress. Although right now it's backwards because they're supposed to go off our decisions and represent us. Right now they're taking over everything. haha
  13. It's still the way to go and I'd rather the President to try than to just give up.

    It's true that the economy hasn't improved by leaps and bounds the past 3 years but it's not like that's completely under the control of the President either. If you look at what he was able to accomplish:

    1) the Healthcare bill, obviously this is his crowning achievement so far. How an American person can be against this I have no idea... how can you be against better healthcare law? Every opinion I've seen against this is factually incorrect. Besides, the opponents have not put forth a competing plan or any changes they want to make to this plan to improve it... so until you have something, you should just be quiet
    2) Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.... this seems like an obvious one, this should've been done on December 22, 1993.
    3) Trying to pass the DREAM Act.... hasn't happened yet because of the Republicans but he said he's not going to give up... why anyone would oppose this is beyond me
    4) Increased Pell Grants... oh god, helping people educate themselves... noooooooo, this goes against everything that America stands for! lol
    5) Brought an end to the War in Iraq... and is making progress in Afghanistan... honestly, the progress part would've happened under any President but the order to bring all troops out of Iraq wouldn't have happened under a Republican president most likely
    6) Issued the order to kill Bin Laden.... eh, i'm a peaceful guy but honestly if i were to support an assassination i could not think of a better target
    7) the Stimulus and saving GM and Chrysler.... ok the stimulus bill wasn't the savior of all of humanity but it did help. GM and Chrysler being saved means millions of jobs, you can't argue against that.
    8) Strongly supported outing Gaddafi, Mubarak, and our standing in the world. Maybe you don't remember what it was like when W was President but our country was being shat upon left and right by the world community because of his actions and the actions of Cheney and Rumsfeld. Obama has righted that 100%.

    there are a ton more... just google "Obama accomplishments" and start reading and put this in the back of your head when reading.... would these same things have occurred under a Republican president?
    SunnyDayz100 likes this.
  14. I was speaking out of anger, Top! I haven't lost any respect for her! Do not bring me into this. I told you that I am deliberately staying of this debate, because I get too angry and frustrated.
    topdawg657 likes this.
  15. Well, I would hope that she wouldn't "hate" anyone... I certainly don't hate anyone. I'm an Independent but not sure I'm very moderate... fiscally I'm Conservative but not in the same way Republicans are... socially I am very liberal. I am very pro-choice, I think health decisions should be made between doctors and patients and the government should have no say in the matter. I'm for the legalization of all drugs across the board, a person should be able to make their own decisions about their own bodies and the government has no place to protect me from myself. Having said that, I don't support drug-use, just don't see any point is wasting man hours arresting people for these reasons. I am against war 100%, I think there are non-violent solutions to all conflicts... it's just a matter of educating yourself to know how to act non-violently because it's not really in human nature to be non-violent. Someone hits you, you want to hit them back... but that's not the best way to handle it for humanity. So I have some positions that seem extreme but who knows....

    Well the source that backs their statements up with evidence and facts is the one that is correct. You usually aren't going to find two sources backing up competing statements factually. I mean when Paul Ryan lied during his convention speech EVERY news outlet including Fox News was saying that he set a world record for most lies in a single speech.
  16. Just found this:

    Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments. First you'd have to fact check them and make sure they are factually correct... and then second, do you think they should've been done? I mean maybe you don't like the fact that he repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell.... who knows.

    Check out #3 and #8 on that list... I'm gonna read up on those while minecraft is down :)
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