If you were voting in the U.S. election today....

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Sep 5, 2012.


Who would you vote for?

Barack Obama / Democratic Party 37 vote(s) 44.0%
Mitt Romney / Republican Party 34 vote(s) 40.5%
Gary Johnson / Libertarian Party 4 vote(s) 4.8%
Other 9 vote(s) 10.7%
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  1. Well i'm Canadian, SO... no one.
  2. EDIT: I had a very heated comment here... then i saw ignoramoose's post and deleted it :(
  3. you can have a heated comment, just no personal attacks against another player.
  4. Hmm? it was against Obama and all the crap he has done to this country...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. that's fine, go ahead and tell us about the stuff Obama has done to this country.
  6. Haha but would miss Texas too much
    nab27 likes this.
  7. I'm voting for the lesser of two evils. I wouldn't shake hands with either of them. Alex is right on with his post.

    In my opinion, Obama is creating a slave nation. More people are on food stamps, public housing, and unemployment today then ever before. A person can literally eat, have shelter, and get paid for doing absolutely nothing; other than vote for the man that will keep the freebies coming.

    Fact checkers only check the facts that prove their point. I wouldn't even call them facts. More like half truths.
  8. I've edited out your ****'s. That still counts as cursing - don't do it.

    It's fine to have a debate / discussion, but it's to remain a level headed discussion. Religion and politics are the two debates that chances are you'll never get the opposing party to side with you on. Just remember that as you debate. You may like / hate candidate X because of something that another person likes them because of.
  9. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that fact checkers are not impartial? You state that fact checkers are partisan but fact checkers show evidence to back up everything they say so the least you could do is the same.

    As for your food stamp comment, funny enough... fact checkers proved that to be false:

    Support whom you like but facts are facts and lies are lies... at least have opinions that are based in reality and backed up by facts and evidence.
  10. First, voting for a president to show you're not a racist is a terrible idea. Skin color should have no influence on people's choices, whether the racial bias is positive or negative. Second, since the only real choice is Mitt W. Obama, (yes, I snuck a Bush reference in there, lulz) it actually doesn't matter very much which one you pick. Were I an American, I would vote for a third-party (Gary Johnson, most likely) in an attempt to send a message, but my vote and the votes of people who think like I do are essentially lost votes, equivalent to staying home and not voting.

    Clearly you have never been in a discussion about table-top game rules or the canonicity of a franchise like Star Wars/Star Trek/Spiderman/Batman/etc. :D
    pat2011, HylianNinja and Dwight5273 like this.
  11. I would love to see - Sometime in a different election... For a non-Republic or Democrat Win. Not as a Member of that party, but to take the political party down a couple notches
  12. chickeneer, if the comments here were representative of the mass opinion then that would never happen because everyone who has said they want to vote for a 3rd party candidate has said that they think their votes are wasted and several said they aren't even going to bother voting. i think one or two implied that they wanted to see the entire system (electoral college) changed before they'd vote.

    if you think your vote is wasted then there is no reason not to vote for the candidate you want, you got nothing to lose... just because you don't think you have anything to gain. the gain is that it's still one vote that'll show up on the tally sheets.
  13. I'm in the UK, & David Cameron needs to be chucked out :p He does nothing but put his face at the camera and making me want to slap him.
  14. I can't open your link from my phone, so I can't comment on that. To understand the "facts" you need to understand how they get their information. For example, unemployment is counted by how many people file in a given time frame. Not the total # of unemployed. It's all about which numbers they want to use.
  15. i would vote for Romney or obama
  16. Ok, that's understood but they are still using numbers to show that the claim is false. You haven't shown any numbers to show that your claim is true. You would agree that it's either true or false right, that there is no opinion about whether Obama has opened the floodgates of food stamps, welfare, etc... either he did, or he didn't. I've shown evidence that it isn't true. Now it's your turn.

    One thing Obama did do is increase Pell Grants which allows students to get more money to go to college. That's a government handout.

    Let me ask everyone this:

    You say you're against Food Stamps and other forms of Welfare but what about the conditions that exist that prompt people to need those public services? You make it sound like there is widespread fraud in those programs but the facts don't support that. The facts show that more people qualify for welfare and don't apply for it than are currently using welfare programs. You ask why some lazy person is using food stamps instead of just getting a job but do you know the numbers behind how many people with low paying jobs are using food stamps as well? How many homeless people do you think are using food stamps?

    The point is either you're FOR helping people or you're AGAINST it. How many people are against Americans using welfare but support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and think nation building and bringing freedom to others was a valiant idea. You can't have it both ways.
  17. I hope obama likes my post :)
    kevdudeman likes this.
  18. Wow this is kind of a touchy subject but I vote Romney. I've been a Republican all my life. Ofc because my parents are Republican...and I WILL be voting Romney. First presidential election I can vote in finally. :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. I never liked any of the candidates.

    Plus, Congress and the Senate are the ones who decide what we do. So our state reps are who I follow more.


    Hypnotoad For President
  20. So what makes you a Republican? and what about Romney makes you want to vote for him?

    Sorry, I'm at work today and looking for some substance from everyone.... expound upon your statements and explain why you feel the way you do. :)
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