I would totally buy an EMC promo T-Shirt.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Trapper777, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Yeeet if emc did start selling these then they would be my new wardrobe lol
  2. Could you re-read through my comments on this thread? With sites like teespring all you have to do is upload a design and sell at least 10 shirts, they make the shirts, ship them, handle payments, etc.
    Pab10S and FDNY21 like this.
  3. 10/10 Would buy and keep in closet indefinitely
  4. R
    That would be a lot in CAD
    SteveClasher likes this.
  5. That shouldn't be too much for a shirt... for a custom one too at least :confused: I'm not sure how the exchange rates are but when exchanging into British currency, it's a pretty normal price for a shirt anyway (if they are going to be that) :)
    607 likes this.
  6. Mojang has rules that you can only sell a shirt design i think 15 or 25 times, then you can never sell it again.

    We just don't have the time to deal with that kind of politics :/ But nothing stops the community from making their own designs then printing them as a personal order for yourself as others have mentioned here.
    607 and TotoStyle like this.
  7. Isn't there a way around it by making a design that Mojang doesn't have to approve or restrict?

    When you say our own designs, what designs do you mean? Of the EMC logo, or just things on the server/in Minecraft, or both? I remember the controversy when someone made their "own" design with the EMC logo and the Aikar, Max and Krysyy figures in front of it. While that shirt wasn't really made, I think Matheus said that something like that wasn't allowed?
  8. Why would it not be allowed for personal use, not selling it? I've got a toilet bag with Lemmings, a jigsaw puzzle with Super Mario Galaxy and a watch with an SMW mushroom. Would those be illegal too?
    I think it shouldn't be a problem when you're ordering them as a personal order, honestly.
  9. Oh, I don't think it should be a problem, but I'm just asking if it is one, because Matheus mentioned that there was a problem with someone showing off their EMC shirt on one of the previous threads. Hence, I'm essentially asking what is allowed and what isn't allowed when making a personal order.
    607 likes this.
  10. That sucks. Didn't know about that particular piece of bureaucracy. I might still make my own t-shirt though.