I would totally buy an EMC promo T-Shirt.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Trapper777, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. A+, make it 10 dollars. and maybe make one that you get when on the server once you are a diamond supporter. it will be a dyed tunic with the letters EMC(not sure if this is possible with easy coding). again, A+
  2. I would buy one.
    So +1 then.
  3. No, we can't make shirts with writing or drawing on them in-game.
    TotoStyle likes this.
  4. Only if you retexture the tunics
    mrfisherman199 and TotoStyle like this.
  5. So you're basically buying a texture pack that you could make yourself (if you buy the 'in-game top').
  6. Shirts can be made, Aikar needs to approve and give consent of the logo. Other than that, should be doable
    mrfisherman199, 607 and TotoStyle like this.
  7. If possible that'd be awesome! I actually thought about this then i found the thread, i made a design for emc awhile and deleted it because i got bored so i think that'd be cool! +1
  8. good idea ^^
  9. Could the texture be for the whole EMC? like everyone will see the texture of the EMC tunic instead of having a texture pack that not many will want?
  10. No you'd need to install a texture pack. Not happening, in all likelihood.

    Maybe just a fancily designed enchanted tunic or something, but even that's a stretch IMHO. I just wanna wear a tee.
    607 likes this.
  11. There is no such thing as a custom t-shirt for $10. TeeSpring is the best option for EMC, and I think it's $24 IIRC.
    607 likes this.
  12. You could use a server resourcepack ;)
  13. Yes I just think the staff wouldn't want to do that. I'm not them, though.
  14. +1
    Would def buy one!
  15. I heard people talk about this before, I think it was taken pretty positively and they planned to eventually get some shirts out because it would be possible for they're allowed a certain amount of approved designs... but I don't know what happened to that. Either way, I'd buy one if there was one available and it was of good quality :)
    SoulPunisher, Xatez and Kytula like this.
  16. FDNY21 likes this.
  17. I would like this, although they are now allow. As Minecraft is a Trade Mark logo, and is in the servers logo, they are not allowed to reproduce for profit.
  18. Well my suggestion is that EMC is the ones printing the shirts, so reproducing their logo wouldn't be a problem. Don't have to use minecraft's logo.
  19. Also, would like to add, that EMC does not have the support to have items people buy and that is shipped to their location...

    Not anything negative, just wont work with EMC's structure. Would cost more than its worth...