I hate people

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Green_Mystery, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Shh.

    No tears.
    SecretAznEks and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. Thanks, Iv left loads of Glass, Logs, Planks, Saplins, 10 Diamonds, 1 Diamond Pick Effeminacy IV. and Loads of Bread

    EDIT: Iv also donated 1.500r
  4. Thanks for the thoughtful and insightful comment.
  5. After my current auction is over, I will be holding a auction for her. All rupees will go to her.
  6. Hey, Green, if your sister wants, I can offer her 10 Pivot Lottery Bonds free of charge, and a low-rate investment if she's working on a business. Tell her to pm me if she's interested.
  7. OMG Noticed elmotheboss talking i got him banned :D
  8. Not sure that's worth bumping a month-old thread...
  9. just saying :D
  10. This sort of topic bumping is unacceptable. Congratulations, you've just earned a free 30 minute ban!

    (FYI, Elmotheboss isn't banned)
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