I hate people

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Green_Mystery, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. xD xD xD xD
  2. I don't know about you, but what makes this so heart-wrenching for me is that she is just a kid. As the OP states, her 'innocent mind' made her believe that she could trust anyone, when one of those people brutally betrayed her and griefed something she worked so hard to build.
    In a lot of cases, yes, we do tell others things. But they are adults, or older, less innocent kids who really should know better. Some people I see get griefed, swear like crazy, then go running to the moderators. I go check out their res, turns out they have over 40 people with build and/or container and use flags.
    Manglex and Cypher_Rahl like this.
  3. I always pour on donations when I see someone get griefed. :p (Unless I personally know them to be a jackass)
  4. Can't say I agree. If I hear of someone being griefed then I do my best to help them. In fact, me, ArtemisV, Kells and Spiff (among others) are setting up a service to help people in that situation.
    LZBZ_DW, Kells18 and Cypher_Rahl like this.
  5. How were we supposed to get THAT from 'green wants red if you know what i mean'?!?!?
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. It seemed to make sense to me. >_<;;
    battmeghs likes this.
  7. xD Made my day.
  8. I'm out for some red...
    If I heard that, I knew that the person means "I'm out for blood" not "I'm out for Green_Mystery's sister"
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  9. LZBZ_DW and Cypher_Rahl like this.
  10. What kind of texture pack do you use? :O It looks kool
  11. To the people that's donating: Please don't do it just because green is a green dude, he is awesome and i know, but being green doesn't mean that he is god and you should worship him. Don't take me bad, obviously, please donate but don't do it thinking that you do it for Green_Mystery, do it thinking about Red_Mystery a MC girl that wanted to have fun but got traitors on her back.
    Manglex and Green_Mystery like this.
  12. Well said. That's is definitely my reasoning. I help everyone! ^__^
  13. Let me point out though it's Red_Mystery, not Pink who was griefed.
    Frodomann1 likes this.
  14. Ow, thanks, ill edit my post (if you haven't already :p) :)
  15. really i think you need to grow up
  16. Ok, who needs to grow up? me? Green_Mystery (A moderator of the Empire Minecraft that's more mature and responsible than any normal member *at least has prooved to be)? Red_Mystery (someone you don't even know)? or the other people that posted here (that are just giving "condolences" and helping her out)?
    Manglex and Cypher_Rahl like this.
  17. I didn't even know her name. :confused: It makes sense that my heartfelt statement was taken wrong now. D:
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  18. Wow, justwow. Why would people do this?
  19. It's from a sadistic, unfortunate lack of understanding.
  20. holy crap thats bad wonder if he got banned for something els because normally when people do stuff like that they are thinking of quitting the empire so sadd and i would love to help your sister in anyway i could
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