I feel hated.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 24, 2013.

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  1. Popular kid.. ;3
    CrownOfEgypt likes this.
  2. I can say that people in my school were just as rude when I was 12, and some of them still are, their methods have just changed. You have a lot of years ahead of you, and what other people think and say won't matter soon. Soon you'll have heard it all, and they won't have anything else left to say but the same old junk. You have to learn how to just ignore. I definitely had some people make fun of me when I was 12, even younger too. I'd just moved to the place I live in now about 7 years ago, and I didn't really talk to anyone, and no one to me. Sure, there'd be that one guy that would say something mean, and yeah I cried, but after a while, I realized they are just words.

    Just recently too someone in my area tried to commit suicide, and my friend's dad wouldn't tell him who. He went on Facebook and said that someone here tried to do it, and he got a BUNCH of insults and fights (over the internet of course. Thankfully no one here has the guts to do it irl.) Then today I found out someone is telling him to kill himself. He won't tell me who, but I'm guessing it's someone who said that it was rude posting that first status.

    People just don't think, and in this case, the guy that told him to do that didn't at all. If they are beating you up, then either figure out a way to get stronger or just try to stay away from them as much as you can. Really I don't see any other options, and suicide is definitely a no go. Life is too short as it is, I mean I remember the day I moved here 7 years ago and I'm a junior now, something I didn't think would happen in a while. When you're older, you and your friend could go somewhere else and start a new life if you wanted.

    Kids in my brother's grade are also a bunch of pervy jokesters, and I've kind of learned to just go with it and laugh at it. I don't mean I did the things they did, but it's not like I take it as seriously as my brother does. I'm sure every school has people like that that you have to put up with everyday but come 2-3 years they'll probably change, since they're probably the same age as you.

    If nothing still works, or nothing has been working, then really all I have left to say is to just ignore them. They're words. They shouldn't matter. They're as old as you are, and you're definitely not alone here. If you go, I'm sure this awesome community will never be the same. Suicide isn't an option. You're only making life shorter than it already is. There's a whole life ahead of you, most likely without these morons making fun of you. All you got to do is wait.

    What a mouthful. My hands hurt!
  3. some may tell you that god is the answer that he is testing you for some unfathomable reason I personally don't but that all depends on who you are, but the reality is things could always be worse, there is a saying I heard once it was something like "your seeking a permanent answer to a momentary solution " as I have said before life is a precious thing and not something to be squandered or ruined by people who it seems you shouldn't even try to be around, I know I might seem like another guy trying to give you false hope or something, but I would truly be sad if you ever did anything that threatened your life
    alexschrod and PandasEatRamen like this.
  4. i honestly dont think that everyone can help you in your constantly changing situation. its not up to us what you do or decide, but up to you. my advice, stand up, dont sit around and take it. i used to get bullied, all it took was me getting out of my chair, taking my science book and smashing it in his face. he fell out of his chair, hit his head on the table and started crying. everyone looks at me, teacher says " good job " and pretends he never saw it.

    the best thing you can do, is get someones attention. trying to take care of the problem by yourself has a 1/10000
    chance of working. as said before:
    listen to him. where i live, its illegal. its the reason i didnt get in trouble for hitting someone as hard as i could with a book. ( hard back, left a huge black bruise on his face for a month )
    i know that life sucks, dont give up on yourself. keep going, you never know what your meant to do. hell, for all we know, you could invent the cure to cancer. life WILL get better at some point. almost everyone goes through this at some point, where everyone has to hurt others feelings to get ahead in the social circle. the only thing i can tell you is,
    never give up. dont be the kid we hear about on TV who committed suicide because of this. YOU hold the key to your future. its up to you to put it in the keyhole, turn it and open the door.
  5. I wish somehow all the lonely people could be put together and they could all be each others friends. I think you'd be a great friend Soul. You being my age and all.
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  6. (Ditto)
  7. i have the problem of not agreeing with very many people xD
    HylianNinja likes this.
  8. Okay lets try this - AGREE WITH ME OR I WILL FIND YOU AND HURT YOU! Good? Too violent?
  9. I can only take so much people time in a day before I want to beat my head into a wall.
  10. All forever alone people unite!
    imBobertRobert and NINJATTILA like this.
  11. image.jpg
  12. It is truly amassing that someone on the other side of the word is having the same problems as you.
  13. Soul I can relate to what you are going through. My freshman year in high school I was severely depressed. In your case you can't eat, In my case, I couldn't sleep. There was a point where I didn't sleep for 3 days straight because I hated myself for some reason, because I honestly believed that everyone else hated me too. What people say can seriously hurt, but you need to remember that it will be okay. I've learned in my life that everything always ends up okay. (Unless you die of course then its not okay)

    If you are honestly thinking about committing suicide, no amount of people telling you not to is going to make you not want to. You have to find out what is making you feel this way and not let it effect you anymore. I suffer from severe anxiety. (Maybe you do too) I stopped being depressed not when I took medicine for the anxiety, not when I took anti-depressants but when I realized that I have this anxiety, that I over think things and that I can deal with that, I can be happy if I want to be. So I did, and as soon as this happened a whole new world seemed to open up. I realized that there were people there for me all along and I didn't even notice. There are many more reasons to not commit suicide as it really isn't the answer but that's my personal bit of advice, I really do hope it helps. If only even a little.
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  14. I want to say something but it might come off as rude...
  15. they should give the people of EMC a degree in therapism..
  16. aaaannnddd...
    way to ruin the chain of positive comments.
  17. One of the people who bully me...well, they got offended when I purposely played this song right next to them...

    Oh, and also, that quote in my signature. Read it. It inspired me. I made it myself :3
    I have Social Anxiety, discalculia (dyslexia but for maths) and emotional issues (dad says its bipolar, I say its depression, my mum says it's a part of growing up. I don't think it is a part of growing up, because getting a mentor because you break down in class isn't something every teenager gets).

    Social Anxiety = Being extremely shy. It takes all the courage I have just to talk to people.
    Discalculia = It takes me 10 minutes to figure out 20x20.
    Emotional Issues = As I said, I don't know what causes me to be like "that". Could be bipolar, could be part of growing up (I don't think so...), could be depression (most likely). All I know is that it makes my life 10x harder because I get labelled because of my sadist-type mind.
    Say it.
  18. i'm also going to throw this in here, you know i sent you a message to talk a day or so ago, which, you completely ignored and went about other EMC forum business. thanks, by the way, i was only trying to cheer you up and have someone to talk to.

    if someone wants to reach out and help, or talk, or give you someone to rant to, you're supposed to at least take it, what would hurt with a little ranting and someone to listen/read?
  19. I replied to it yesterday? 0-e Did the message not send?
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