i dea for easy live improvement for wen the 1.17 update comes out

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by daanhu, Jun 28, 2021.


exelotels need fish

feed exelotel tropical fish and tropical fish in bucked 2 vote(s) 66.7%
feed exelotel fish in bucked 1 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. please make it that u can feed axelotels tropical fish and tropical fish in buckeds geting them in buckets is a pain im prove ment of live and it will make the server 100 times better
  2. I don't understand why this would be a "live (sic) improvement".
    Not the only thing I don't understand, but let's start from here.
    Egeau likes this.
  3. wouldnt that need a mod on both sides? client and server side??
    607 likes this.
  4. Let me make this a bit more readable for others.

    That out of the way, I'm not sure what "getting them in buckets" even is referring to (the axolotls, the tropical fish...?) nor why this would be an improvement or worth deviating from vanilla for.
  5. Axolotls are also freshwater amphibians that live in non-tropical water up in the hills of Mexico, where the climate is temperate and the water temperature very rarely breaches 20 degrees celsius and axolotls can die if it gets higher, so it doesn’t even make sense that they’d be eating tropical fish (even less sense than them being found in caves and not on top of cliffs in vanilla lol). On top of that they struggle enough with drowning insects, worms, and prey like shrimp and are more likely to get nipped to death by a fish than eat one...

    And yes as someone who’s owned axolotls and is a self-proclaimed expert on them I’m WELL aware that Minecraft has taken liberties with their behaviours (they aren’t fast or active swimmers irl nor do they make noises lol), but I’d rather there be no more deviation from that in the game. Axolotls are extinct in the wild thanks to humans building Mexico City on top of their habitat and then introducing Asian fish to the canals they carved a niche out of, and I think Minecraft had an opportunity to educate on what a cool animal they are in the same way they did for pandas. Making them eat tropical fish gets in the way of that.
  6. 607 likes this.
  7. Considering that apparently axolotls can already be bred with fish in buckets, I think it would make sense to also have them breedable with fish out of buckets. I don't think it's possible for EMC to implement that, though (without requiring a client-side mod).
    Fred_TWK likes this.
  8. Reading this just now, (thanks for the major clarification Waffle), and I believe we have the answer to dannhu's question/idea/proposal... thing?

    (End of my shift, my brain is shutting down, i probably overlooked a lot of things.)
  9. please make my live easy i want just a tiny ting a small small tiny ting make exelotels eat fish why they need tho eat it out of a bucked why it cost iron and its the same fish in a bucked or fish its the same why not let me feed fish tho them not in bucked
  10. Fred_TWK likes this.
  11. I assume when you use the bucket of tropical fish to breed axolotls, you are left with an empty bucket and the bucket (iron) is not actually consumed?
  12. Let's keep the discussion focused on the suggestion made in this thread folks. Thread has been cleaned up of all off-topic posts.