I am sick and tired of these issues

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by thecontroller, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. As far as I know, we recognize all the issues that have come up. Not all problems have an immediate solution. I think the issue is the world today. Everyone expects INSTANT gratification and if they don't get something done in 10 minutes, it means they're failing.

    If there's a serious issue we haven't ADDRESSED, note that addressing it doesn't always mean solving it all the time, as it isn't possible on the spot, please let me know.
    IamSaj, nab27 and Kells18 like this.
  2. They are. They always are. There are always responses on the forums about all of these "issues". People just don't read them. You just have to remember that real life has to come first sometimes, and with the update of 1.3 coming along with Justin moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY with a NEWBORN BABY he is working his absolute butt off to make sure everything is right. All of these issues are being dealt with, but everything is currently behind-the-scenes. Just because you say you want an answer doesn't always mean you will get it.

    EDIT: and Jeremy swoops in before me once again ...
  3. i have sent a pm to Steve Chen (the one of the creators of youtube) telling him that these videos are not approved by the emc creators (or its community) and request that thay be removed from youtube.
    imBobertRobert and thecontroller like this.
  4. The chicken issue has been in place for quite a long time.

    But I specifically didn't ask for the problem to be resolved instantly. I'm just trying to remind you guys that these sort of issues are still here and needs to be addressed. Not instantly but something that shows us that there is progress.

    EDIT: The the updates log has been empty since last 2 months :( http://empireminecraft.com/threads/empire-updates-log.324/
  5. That's true. I am just saying that I have noticed alot of this stuff, and I thought he moved already : S and Yes ICC is right. I am sorry just got caught up in the moment ^_^
  6. Did I miss something? :O
  7. I believe everytime this was brought up, we gave an acknowledgement that we know about it and are looking into solutions.
  8. The problem with egging is, It's very difficult to stop entity's spawning without stopping chickens full stop.
  9. Justin made a mini "Ms" Justin not to long ago. :p
  10. that's a great idea! theres a spot in the town room thingy where a TP portal is missing, how about a new world where you can build arenas in new "reses" where you can battle and get xp (just an idea here) and just to try and hit 2 birds with one stone you can only work on building your area after you vote for EMC as the most awesome server of all time, or even only moderators can build arenas (Ideas here) [any response ideas :)]
  11. Watch this guys watch this... BOOM!
    public void PlayerThrowEgg(PlayerInteractEvent event){
    ResidencePermissions perms = res.getPermisssions();
    String playerName = event.getPlayer().getName();
    ItemStack stack = event.getItem();
    boolean defaultValue = true;
    if(res != null){
    boolean hasPermission = perms.playerHas(playerName, "use", defaultValue);
    if((event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR || event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && (stack != null)){
    if(stack.getTypeId() == 344 && !hasPermission){
    event.getPlayer.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You don't haz permissun to do that stupid this in this residence!")
  12. If he cannot handle the work load, the solution is clear : Bring in help. THe server is too big for one guy to do all the programming work by himself. As you love to tote "40,000" members is simply too much for one person. Hire coders, give moderators with coding skill more responsibility, ask other servers for their solutions to these problems.

    On that note: I am pleased with what all of the staff has done, and am only speaking up in hopes to make the server better. I have nothing but respect for ALL of the staff, and try to make my posts reflect that. Please follow my lead and, if you have an issue, talk about it maturely and respectfully.
  13. nice go at it.. but what happens when they just walk in the street and thow them at you? all of these issues are being looked into. We talk about them among staff more than you think.
  14. Ugh... Do I have to code it too? I mean JustinGuy can do it himself... -.- lol :p
  15. We had a staff meeting last weekend which covered this exact topic. We are currently doing this exact thing. Aikar and D1223m are stepping up their roles of moderators to moderator/programmers for EMC. We have some VERY exciting things to announce as well from these guys soon. :)
  16. OMAHGAWD! Why am I not a coder? I mean I can't just add code, I have to commit changes in GitHub which requires approval too.
  17. thats what i am saying tho... you simply post a simple string like it has not been thought of already. You pose issues like they are simple fixes. These things are not just overnight things. As staff we constantly strive to make the gaming experience better for everyone here. But alot of it takes time. Discussions. Debating. Testing. Yes, your issues have been acknowledged, multiple times, separately, together, however you think you can present it differently to make it look like new issues that we were not paying attention to, we have seen it. We KNOW there are problems. There always will be some problem somewhere, its unavoidable. But this does not mean we are not focusing on the ones you bring up. Every single issue I have seen listed here, including every single debate point, has been rehashed here. This is nothing new. I see the same arguments all the time here. I also see countless posts that MANY of you are involved in where a response similar to what I am typing now has been posted. Or an acknowledgement message from ICC or even Justin. It seems to me that the issues themselves are not the biggest problem. It is the patience of the masses. Your frustration is understood, just know that everything that can be done, is being done...
  18. Also just wanted to add this to one of my earlier posts:

    One does not have to be new to be considered annoying.
  19. I could not have said it better. If I can't have any fun here like I did when I came here, I have no reason to stay here. EMC is starting to descend to the level of most other servers, which is a community broken by the REDACTED noobs and just dodging them and isolating yourself so you can have a little fun. >:/

    EDIT: Also, to see EMC on Minestatus, you have to go to the next page. It's especially bad because MCSL is disabled, and you get half the rupees. In my opinion, there should be a system that takes away money when you spam, swear, etc. I've seen it on other servers. Which is the worst thing of all; I'm looking into other servers.
    battmeghs likes this.
  20. Obviously not, some certain people just gets on some peoples nerve asking obvious things that the server stresses on the player. Like how to claim a plot...
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