How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. I've seen you around, so 7/10
  2. Seen you around a bit 7/10
  3. Seen you around a lot, play NN with you and I see you on discord sometimes. 6/10
  4. Don't think we've ever spoken but the name is very familiar. 6/10
  5. Your friendly neighborhood staffer. 8/10
    fBuilderS likes this.
  6. 9/10 see you at legit every event.
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  7. 6.3/10. The regular "I've seen you but don't recall speaking to you" deal. ;)
  8. 7/10 I want to know who hasn't seen/heard of you
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  9. People who don't check the forum. ;) But they won't play this forum game. :D
  10. I have seen you at events and your name is familiar but can't recall ever speaking to you.
  11. Honestly got no clue who on earth you are =P
    jks paddyboi you can have a 10/10
  12. You're vaguely familiar, but that's mostly on me having been inactive for awhile. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2/10
    jacob5089 likes this.
  13. First time I've seen him. Even though they joined the server a long time ago.:D 0/10
    penfoldex likes this.
  14. 0/10 wait whos this kid?
  15. 3/10 i somewhat know who you are
  16. 1/10 seen you around but don’t know who you are
  17. 4/10 ive seen you, just not a ton of times
  18. 3/10 I've probably seen you before :p
  19. 6.5/10, I think I remember you having your skin as your profile picture a long time ago? :p
  20. 2.5/10, your name sounds slightly familiar. Penfoldex, pen-fol-dex... Either you have not been active for some time or I must meet with more people. Maybe you have commented on my thread once?