How many /vault pages do -you- have?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Apr 28, 2015.


How many /vault pages do you have?

50+, I am the /vault master! 6 vote(s) 7.7%
Between 25 and 50 8 vote(s) 10.3%
Between 5 and 25 38 vote(s) 48.7%
Between 2 and 5 16 vote(s) 20.5%
Only 1 9 vote(s) 11.5%
What's /vault? 1 vote(s) 1.3%
  1. Well, I told you about my predicament up there. But I think the whole /vault thing is a bit funny because when I started I expanded to two and that was more than enough for me at that time. I even advocated this once (I think in a suggestion thread); how having to pay for /vault wouldn't be too much of a problem for me because if you opened it up 3 times per day you'd be able to use the /vault for approx. 1 year before reaching the cost of a single vault page.

    And now, 8 pages ahead, I learned to keep quiet about that part :)
  2. I have 5 pages, which, despite the clutter of my res chests, are all filled with promos, gear for FNM, backup gear, backup backup gear, etc.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. i find large vaults are good for drop parties, inventory full? no problem fill a page and move on
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  4. I got 20 vault pages for the maximum life capacity of 20 hearts for most of the Legend of Zelda series.
    607, ShelLuser and highlancer54 like this.
  5. I have more than 40 vault pages :p
  6. I have 12... for now. Here's how the Hashhog System of Vault Evolution works:
    1. Buy a new vault page.
    2. For the next week, attempt to keep it highly organized.
    3. Watch all your vault pages simultaneously abandon this system and fill with crap.
    4. Decide that you want to put one more item in your Vault, only to discover that they are all full of junk.
    5. Think about organizing them all.
    6. Laugh at that funny joke and buy a new page for that one item.
    7. Rinse and repeat.

    You can't have no Vault pages. :p Everyone starts with one.
    ShelLuser, 607, AmusedStew and 3 others like this.
  7. 16, most are not sorted. I haven't named any yet. I should.

    I still haven't made a home with real labeled storage in town, outpost is way more organized than I am personally :)
  8. I have 50 on main account and 5 on my alts, I have only used up to about 25 at anyone time but I use them all them time, moving and transferring stuff across servers.
  9. I may or may not only have 7 vault pages.....:oops:
  10. This topic interest me.
    I have been curious who has the most vault pages on one account on EMC.
    I hope staff can let us know some stats (no names), like Aikar did with max rupees on EMC.
    Because anyone can just make up numbers.
    I have over 100 vault pages on one account.
    I like /vault :).
    ShelLuser and AmusedStew like this.
  11. I currently have 3 or 4.... I cant exactly remember, 5 is enough for me though. Mainly becsuse at 5 it becomes free.
  12. I have half a stack of vaults. (32)
  13. I upped the vault to 5, so i can access it free. most of the time i use it to move things i buy at smp1 to smp9. but also to story important stuff that i dont want to have in town. and not moved to locked chest in frontier. 95% of my things are stored there. frontier is my home.
  14. Think I just expanded to 23. I stayed at one for the longest time, and then somehow went to 15 'being' enough. Then somehow went to slightly above 20.

    Mine? Filled with random junk. Its one of those things to where I need to transfer things over, but man then I would have to sort the stuff out... I will do it later... so BAM vault page added... <-- repeat.

    So, note to self, clean out vaults!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Most of my old auction items are in there due to being too lazy to pull it all out and sort them... I actually went through them and saw blaze rods that are two years old... I currently have 31 vault pages but I plan on expanding to an even 40 soon.
  16. 5. I only got five because getting five lets you access /vault for free. :p (So, I technically wasted 80,000 rupees to save 10 rupees every time I open it.)
  17. i've accumulated 30 :) all used regularly.
    could have used 30 more at one point when i was moving res locations, but i couldn't bare spending anymore rupees than the amount i've already spent xD
  18. Finally back to basics for me. I've said it many times in my good ole' days when I was only a few weeks new to EMC and I'll say it again... One page is really all you need. I've came to my senses again and right now I'm back to having only 1 page, as you can see:

    Just ignore the 11, that's obviously a glitch in the system. Probably a result of us going to MC 1.8 soon, and obviously not because of me ending up with a filled up inventory full of potions earlier this evening :D As you can see: only 1 page is listed, so it must be true :rolleyes:
  19. I have 6... they were all full of junk then I bought 6dcs of mob drops at auction(thats when I got the sixth page) now they are ALL empty and ready to be used. I had used it to store items which seemed necessary to do most basic crafting: wood/iron/diamonds and some basic gear(food of course too) for if I needed to go to the /waste or /wild on any server.