How did you get your Minecraft Name?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LuckyPat, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Wow cool i guess you can say mine is simple compared to yours lol
    Cool, ive been getting alot of stories that there acount was first used by a brother or sister and was passed on to you :)
  2. My name means 'funny story'.
  3. lol. what language if i might ask?
  4. Español. :D
    Gap542 and mba2012 like this.
  5. I made a thread like this close to when I started on EMC.

    My name is what I was named in Lego Universe. Jay for my first name, 2, because it was my second account, and a because I felt like it.
  6. Ah lol sorry i dont speak many languages lol
  7. Cool:) and sorry if you made a thread like this :confused: never knew :(
  8. I got mine from the fact that my dogs name is djava
  9. It's okay, the thread like this I made died off over a year ago.
  10. Lol
  11. Mines self explanatory....
  12. LOL
  13. Once, somebody called me Sweetie_Pee, and it was not cool! :mad:
  14. One day, i made a new account so i took suggestions from EMC players and then i came up with this word Elysphic!
  15. If you knew my real name, you would understand.
  16. I bet they were just kidding around lol
    Cool, and its original :)
    Uhmmmmm :confused: lol alright?
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  17. I got mine when my hubby made the acct for me... damien is my son i am his mom and he was born in 2011.... XD
    Palmsugar likes this.
  18. my name is Sam and my last name is close to Simx, BANG
  19. Around 8-9 years ago I remember that my friend had just arrived from US. I came to his house to visit him while I wore a brand new shirt from Gap. That day he showed me the a game called RuneScape and decided that we would play together. Since I had lots of creativity (No clue on what make my name for) I looked down to my shirt because I had stained it with juice and read GAP (the brand) and there came the name.

    After typing it it had already been taken so I got suggested Gap540-Gap555 and chose Gap542. Ever since in every single thing that requires a Username I've been using Gap542. I keep using it because it reminds me of my childhood, not because I'm unoriginal or anything :p

    That's my story.
  20. I started off with as defender983
    And, it's now the only username I can remember (in Roblox I gave my cousin my old account)
    So I started playing mc 2009 and guess what my username was :/